I first wrote a letter to Harrison about a month before he was born. I wrote a letter to him every month of his first year of life, which I shared on my Instagram. I’ve written several letters to him here on this blog. And sometimes, I write letters to him just on my phone as I’m about to drift off to sleep at night.

Some I’ve never shared publicly, and most of those, I never intend to do that. But I started writing to Harrison in hopes that one day that he could look back at them and have some tangible piece of his mother’s thoughts.
Sometimes, the letter is written as a prayer for him. Sometimes they are hopes and dreams for him, for the man that he will grow up to be. Some are urgings to take the high road, and have an immense amount of respect and empathy for others. Some are just memories of happy things that bring a smile to my face, and usually tears to my eyes.
They are a virtual quilt of my love for him. For the wonderful things he’s taught me about life, and is teaching me right now in the midst of this uncertainty in our world.
I hope he treasures them someday as a gift. That he goes back to read them when he is uncertain of himself, or feels unloved. That he reads them and remembers a happy childhood, and most importantly, a mother who loves him with all of her heart. No matter what.