My Favorite and Most Used Apps

I’m guilty, like so many of us, of spending far too much time on my phone. When you think back, though, over what a phone was used for ten years ago to now, it’s remarkable how indispensable these little computers in our purse have become. Today I’m sharing what my favorite and most used apps are on my phone, which means we’ll have to start with the biggest chunk of my time going to…

The ‘gram. Instagram by far and away is the most used app on my phone. I love watching people’s stories, looking at the beautiful pictures they post and often times inspiring captions. I’ve connected with people I would have never met before through the ‘gram, and reconnected with people I went to school with so many years ago. I think it’s truly a remarkable community, when used responsibly and for good.

The other app I use daily is Timehop. I’m such a sucker for seeing pictures from years past and reminiscing. Videos, too. I often sit down for work in the morning and read my devotional, and then check my Timehop and watch old videos of Harrison from when he was little. (I guess he’s still little, so littler.)

For Blogging…

I’m going to assume it goes without saying that email apps are regularly checked throughout the day. The app I use for blogging on my phone is WordPress. I usually use the app to respond to comments, approve link-backs, and make minor edits if necessary. I typically don’t write full posts on my phone app. 😊

For the kids…

When the kids are at ‘school,’ I’m regularly checking up on them through their daycare app. Their teachers post photos, what they’re eating, learning, etc. throughout the day. It makes me happy to be able to check in on them and see what they’re up to while I work.

Home Organization + Shopping…

The Amazon Alexa app is my weekly grocery shopping list, and keeps our Costco list as well. As we go throughout the week, I’ll ask our Echo to add things to my grocery list or Costco list as we run out of things. At the end of the week, I pull up this app and order what we need from the grocery store…which leads me to my next favorite app

The Amazon app. Good for ordering pretty much anything, right? But I also order our grocery delivery through Whole Foods on the Amazon app.

The other shopping app I use every week is the Target app. Similar to our grocery list, I add things to my Target cart throughout the week, and then when I have a good amount, I place the order for pick up or delivery.

Editing Photos…

I’ve watched more YouTubes than I care to admit about picture editing and video editing. Maybe you can call that my side hobby. But, with all of these photo editing apps, I use primarily two apps for all of my photo editing. The first is Snapseed. I use Snapseed to correct pictures before applying a filter. So things like brightening the photo, or even a specific part of the photo, I do in Snapseed.

Then when I’m ready to apply a filter to the picture I use…

VSCO. I’ve built my own filters, but utilize this app to apply them and finesse them. I use a filter to make my pictures look cohesive on my Instagram feed.

I’m curious now. What apps are you using that I haven’t discovered yet and need to check out?

3 thoughts on “My Favorite and Most Used Apps

  1. I use amazon way too much 😂 I need to start using amazon to keep my grocery list! Genius. I didnt start using the target app until the pandemic started. I love that app. Now it doesn’t matter if I keep receipts, my kids (hadley!) use the scanner feature when we are in the store, and I can save ideas for them to buy in the future or share for gift ideas at holidays. I use the WordPress one to upload photos or jot ideas, but, like you, use my computer to write my posts. I love our school app as well. Even though my kids are older, it’s fun seeing photos of them during the day and getting updates from teachers

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