Naming Harrison Thomas

Naming a little one seems like such a huge responsibility. Nathan and I went back and forth for weeks on names. And then didn’t really totally agree, but for some reason stopped talking about it completely until it was like THE month that Harrison Thomas would join us in this world. We didn’t struggle at all agreeing on a girl’s name. But oh my goodness. I had no idea that I had so many “rules” when naming boys. I’m sharing a bit about why Harrison Thomas today…

Harrison was literally the only first name that we could agree on. There were many others thrown about. One person would love the name, the other would hate or better yet, feel ‘meh’ about it. Harrison has no connection to our family, but we liked that it sounded a bit “classic” for Nathan’s taste, and a bit more updated and modern for mine. We never shorten his name or call him by anything other than Harrison. Going into having Harrison, we thought we’d potentially call him “Ari” for short…but when he arrived, he just didn’t seem like an Ari to us. So it’s always been full blown Harrison.

For as long as we debated, and hemmed and hawed about ‘Harrison,’ his middle name took us about 10 minutes to agree to together. Thomas is a family name on both sides of our family. Thomas is my dad’s name and Nathan’s mom’s maiden name. He also shared his middle name with one of his uncles. It seemed easy, and a perfect little tribute to two very important members of our family.

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