Happy New Year!

We are back to the normal grind this morning. Back to work, back to school, and baby Aidan starts daycare today! It feels like all of the things all at once, and I’m bummed that the holidays are over. We had a really good break. Christmas was lovely. People were healthy (all of the praise hands!!!). And I slept sooo much, and it felt so good.

Sharing some of the pics from our holiday season as we get back into the swing of things around here!

These boys were excited for Christmas morning!

Christmas morning with the boys!

The big boys got big kid bikes. Jonathan literally learned to ride a two wheel back on Christmas day.

Many new sports jerseys were opened…

We saw family on Christmas Day, and got to celebrate Christmas with both my parents and Nathan’s parents on Christmas Day.

We enjoyed a “kid free” date night with the big boys sleeping over at Gigi & Pops.

Just this little guy joining us for drinks and dinner…

There was lots of playing at grandparents’ houses over the break.

And we celebrated the New Year (a bit early because Jonathan was fading fast) with all of the boys’ favorite treats. Little smokies, chips and dip, and popcorn

And we hosted my family for our annual New Year’s day “Good luck bean soup.”

We had such a wonderful break. Hope you all had a good one too!

Merry Christmas! Love, the Lanes

It’s time for me to sign-off for the year and focus on a magical Christmas and restful New Year’s. My to-do list to get ready for the holidays seems forever long, and I know come December 26th, I’ll miss all of the excitement and build up. But I also just love resting and the promise of time to just be in January.

Aside from all of the holiday fun, I’m planning on working on a potential new venture, kitchen renovation planning, and blog post planning! If you have any ideas of things you want me to write about next year, let me know!

Until 2024, thanks for sticking through this off and on crazy 2023 in blog world. As always, I am so thankful for all of you.

Love, Lauren

Let’s Look At…Stocking Stuffers

The very last “Let’s Look” of the year is a look at stocking stuffers for the holidays.

I start collecting stocking stuffers in October for the boys as I come across little items that they would like. Take note of small things they ask for over the last few months of the year. Have you seen that meme about a little kid needing more toothpaste, and their mom saying that they’ll have to ask Santa for it.

I definitely feel like that sometimes when it comes to stocking stuffers! But here are a few items that I go to year after year…

First off, there must always be a little bit of candy. I remember to this day getting an M&M filled candy cane and a chocolate Santa in my stocking year after year. I looked forward to those treats every single year.

Second, my boys love bath bombs. They do a bath bomb in their bath every Sunday. So Santa always stocks them up on bath bombs in their stockings. Santa also made the mistake years ago of gifting bath bombs that have a prize inside of them, and now he’s not allowed to bring anything but that. This is the brand I usually buy because it doesn’t irritate my kids skin, who are both extremely susceptible to eczema.

They always get a re-stock on craft supplies that are low. This year, the only thing they need are new markers.

Band-aids, special hot chocolate, and a book that was specifically requested. Harrison specially asked for more gum from Santa. So Santa is going to deliver this year.

And then they are getting counters, and Jonathan is getting a visual timer.

Adult male stocking is always very exciting…

It always, always, always includes new Kansas City dress socks. Santa’s going to need to come up with some new designs next year, because I think Nathan owns nearly every pair the big guy already makes.

And then it includes some specific soap that Nathan likes, and usually a specific special item. This year, it’s a K-State sweatshirt.

What are your go-to’s for stocking stuffers each year??

Our Cozy Christmas Home 2023

The tree is decorated, my winter containers are done and looking festive, and the house is full of twinkly lights, cozy candles, and holiday cheer. Grab your warm coffee and come cozy up in our holiday home…

Did I stand in the rain to take this picture? I sure did.

Our warm living room…

My favorite piece from Nathan’s Grandma’s village set is this house with a greenhouse attached…

Our Santa picture is getting an update this year still…

And the outdoor containers this year…

And the boys got their own little trees in their rooms this year for their own ornaments…

Our kitchen table doesn’t have much room for extra things, but you have to have a little bit of Christmas on your kitchen table…

And our main family Christmas tree…

Thanks for stopping by! 🙂

The Best Reads of 2023

It’s time to wrap my reads of 2023 in a bow, and crown my top three favorite reads of the year!

This year, I read 17 books. Every last one of them was “read” by listening them through Audible. And it’s time for me to narrow down what I’d recommend to a friend if she were to need a new book to pick up this new year.

-3- Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt :: I love a story the follows different characters that don’t seem inter-related only to find out that they do in fact have a connection. I loved this sweet Octopus. I loved Tova and her quirks, and the way that she grew to love Marcellus, the octopus. It was such a beautiful story, easy to follow, and just a fun little read.

-2- Sparks Like Stars by Nadia Hashimi :: I’m also a sucker for a book that let’s me flip back and forth between present day and the past. Trying to piece together what events made these characters act and behave in the ways they do in present day. What has shaped their thoughts, their lives. What has caused them trauma. I loved the way the main character had to grapple with the way her past came to meet her in her present. Great book!

-1- The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah :: Kristin Hannah does no wrong in my book. Her books captivate me. The writing, the characters, the way their stories interweave with each other. They break my heart and leave me endeared to them forever, and the Nightingale was no different. This book is set in World War II, and follows how women were able to assist in the war effort in Nazi held areas, risking their lives and flying under the radar because of their sex. It was simply fantastic and well deserved of my top spot for 2023!

Happy Advent!

It’s December! And this house has FINALLY turned a corner on all of the sicknesses. I’ve slept in my OWN bed for several nights without being woken up. Coughs are subsiding. And my goodness, it’s December and time to look forward to the holidays.

Last year, I began a journey to make our advent season more intentional. I love the anticipation of the season, but wanted to feel like we could do a little bit each day to celebrate the season and build up to the celebration of the birth of the Christ child. In particular, I wanted our advent season to focus on the joy of giving. And thus, we began doing an advent calendar that incorporated some fun activities for the boys, and various ways to “Be the Gift” in the holiday season.

The boys are still so young, but I want them to grow up having always looked for ways that they could show kindness and love to others.

I’m sharing two pages of printable advent prompts with ideas of how to Be the Gift this season for little kids (and big kids alike!)

Hoping your advent season is full of meaning and expectation as we get ready to welcome the Christ child this year.

When It Rains, It Pours

Friends. We just can’t seem to catch a break. Poor Nathan was diagnosed with pneumonia now. And I’ve got little Aidan home with me full time because of additional potential exposure to a stomach bug. And you guys, I’m just hanging by a thread. I’m going to take care of my people this week, and try to get us back on track. While knocking on every piece of wood in this house that somehow we are out of the woods with illnesses for awhile. This mama is tired. Hoping your households are healthy!

Thanksgiving 2023

I seem to remember I had planned last year a post to share some pictures and stories from Thanksgiving. And then we all ended up so absurdly sick.

And here I am to share some pictures and stories from Thanksgiving 2023, and what I have to share is we must be cursed on this holiday. For a second year in a row, the entire family was so sick. First, COVID got passed around through everyone.

The ol positive test….

And then just when we thought we were out of the woods, Nathan woke up with a fever again on Thanksgiving only to find out later that weekend that it was the flu.

Thanksgiving sicky crew reporting their family picture.

We did manage to decorate the tree…

And then I redecorated it after they went to bed….

And then it snowed…and it looked pretty for the morning and the boys were excited to play.

And that was our Thanksgiving. Remains to be seen how the rest of this week goes and if anyone else gets sick. Crossing my fingers, toes, hair….legs….basically everything. Hope your Thanksgiving was more restful!

My Little Thankful Turkeys

Our little turkeys have been creating their annual thankful turkeys this month. It’s so fun to see how the things they are thankful for changes year to year. Their maturity and understanding of gratitude has changed so much in a single year. Here are a few of my favorites from each boy this year…


Right off the bat, Harrison’s day one thankful item was Jesus & God with Day 2 followed up with hi family. I don’t think there is a more first-born answer on day one and two than that. This contrasted sharply with Jonathan’s day 1 thankful item…you’ll have to read on for that. 🙂

Aidan made it onto Harrison’s thankful turkey three times. Can you tell Aidan is the favorite? First as part of his family, loving Aidan the most. Then as part of his brothers. And finally just a flat out thankful for “Aidan.”

I know he must be learning something at school when out of nowhere he’s thankful for his “community.” Let me tell you something that we’ve never discussed with him….what the word community even means.


In true second/middle child fashion, Day 1, Jonathan was thankful for Mowers & Tractors. Need I say more?

Aidan, again, made it onto Jonathan’s thankful turkey with a special call out in his family. And also, Jonathan was thankful for Aidan’s paci and loveys. I’m not sure why that is….maybe he cries too much? Maybe because Jonathan also is thankful for his own lovey? Who knows…

And I just need to point out how many yard and tractor items made this turkey. Five days. Five days of being thankful for various things related to yard work and tractors. He’s a man of simple pleasures.

I’m taking next week off from both blog world and work to focus on our family, decorate for Christmas, and hopefully have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Fingers crossed – because last year I had a house full of sickies for Thanksgiving.

Hope you all have a wonderful holiday as well!

Ski Trip Planning: Buy or Rent?

Nathan started taking Harrison on an annual ski trip when he was three. Nathan plans the trip, books everything, and handles the daily activities, grocery runs, etc. involved in the trip. This upcoming year, Jonathan will get to join in on the annual ski trip now that he’s three, and we are busy making sure we have all of the gear that we need for them in Colorado.

I didn’t grow up skiing, and have absolutely no desire to learn at this point in my life. My dream is to be able to have three little boys that love to ski with their dad, and a little alone time for mom to get a massage or drink hot chocolate and read by the fire while the boys take on the mountain. Needless to say, I had a lot to learn to prep Harrison for his first ski trip, and we’ve found what works for us so far.

I’m sharing today what we’ve preferred to buy and pack versus what we rent for the very short trip.

But first…here’s a little look at my boys on their ski trip last year…

Things We Buy:

Snowbibs: We buy good quality snowbibs for the boys. As much as possible, I buy them secondhand from a site like Poshmark. Good quality snowbibs are expensive, and kids grow…a lot. So truly, I buy Harrison snowbibs, and then they get passed down from one boy to the next. Obermeyer snowbibs have been great for us so far, and withstand our roughest child on clothes, Harrison.

Long underwear: For a three day ski trip, I send three sets of long underwear for each boy. Most of the time, they can get by with just one set a day, and ideally don’t have to do any laundry. And at the worst case, if one set gets wet, they can let it dry and re-use if necessary later in the trip.

Wool socks: My favorite are SmartWool for the boys. Tall wool socks are important so that it covers most of their calf up to their knee. I assume one pair per day plus an additional two sets for each kid.

Ski goggles: We buy ski goggles for each boy. We have Oakley, Giro, and Smith. All of these brands have worked well and are good quality.

Ski coat: Similar to snowbibs, I buy a winter snow coat for each boy and then it gets passed down. I try to buy secondhand through a site like Poshmark, and buy a good quality one that will last us a loooong time given that I’m hoping they will last through three boys. Most importantly, I buy a bright color coat. More than anything else, this has been the most helpful for Nathan to make sure he can easily spot the boys on the mountain and at ski school. Red, bright blue, neon – it all works. Just not black or navy for us.

Snow basics: Hat, mittens (at least two sets!), snowboots, and scarf. The only thing special about these items, is that the mittens have a velcro strap to keep them tight around their wrist like these. I bought Harrison both a scarf ring and a baclava, and Harrison only ended up ever wearing the scarf.

Things We Rent:

Skis: The boys only go skiing once a year, so it doesn’t make sense for us to buy skis for them to only be used once a year. Nathan has been contemplating buying his own skis, especially if we continue to go on this annual trip, it probably makes sense for him to just own skis.

Helmet: We’ve contemplating buying boys helmets, but have decided that similar to the skis, it just doesn’t make sense for us with how little we go skiing and how fast their heads grow. Nathan did buy a helmet for himself, though, last year. He ended up picking out a Smith helmet, and he was happy with it!

Ski Boots: If I think their heads grow fast, their feet grow even faster. We will probably never buy the boys ski boots until their feet stop growing. Nathan did buy a pair for himself to have, though!

I’m working on convincing Nathan to help me write a post on planning a ski trip for little kids because that’s been by far the thing that we get the absolute most questions about every time they come back!