Tag: Advent

Our Advent Calendar

This advent season, I wanted a way to incorporate all of the holiday memories and experiences I look forward to this time of year. But I also wanted to incorporate and focus on ways of giving back, too, and finding ways for the boys to start to learn how to give back. Thus was born this year’s advent calendar.

I sat down about a month ago and collected experiences and ways to give back in one big long list. Then a few weeks back, I looked at our family calendar and started assigning the items to a particular day in the 24 days that lead up to Christmas. About half of our days will be fun Christmas experiences this year, and the other half will be ways that we can bless and be the gift to someone else.

I noticed this fall with Harrison, our oldest, in particular as we collected peanut butter for a food drive for kids that didn’t have enough to eat at home on the weekends, that he really started to grasp that there were kids that weren’t as privileged as himself. And I love that their little hearts, even as young as Jonathan, are already so geared towards helping others. I hope we can encourage that now and as they grow to be looking for ways to be helpers all year long.

If the boys aren’t already so excited to start opening the calendar, I think my excitement may top even theirs!

Here are some experiences that we have planned for them this year!

  • Popcorn & Christmas movie night
  • Visit Santa
  • Snack tray dinner by the fire
  • Wear your Christmas jammies to bed
  • Listen to Christmas songs during dinner
  • Read the Christmas story
  • Hot chocolate + Home Alone movie night

And here are some of the ways that we’re going to serve others this season:

  • Make a snack basket for delivery workers
  • Donate a new toy to a child in need
  • Pick out a present for your brother
  • Deliver presents to the neighbors
  • Refill the bird feeders and bird baths

The excitement for little kids in opening the activity and seeing at as special before it even happens is half the magic, in my opinion. Activities don’t have to be big, expensive, and grandiose. Little things that are slightly different and outside of their norm is what makes it special to little kids.

It’s a blessing to be able to help build someone’s childhood memories. I’m hopeful that there were will be memories created this year that the boys look forward to year after year. Or maybe many years from now when they have kids of their own, they’ll think about recreating with their own families.

What are ways that you give back this season with your kids? I’d love ideas for outside of the Christmas season and for next year, too!