Tag: Letters To My Kids

Dear Jonathan (v. XII)

Every time I sit down to write this final letter of your first year, the words just don’t come to me.  What to say on such a meaningful occasion.  A year ago, Harrison and I sat on the driveway on a Thursday morning, trash day, waiting for the trash trucks to come “dump the rocks out.”  And a whirlwind of seven hours later, you’d be in my arms.  The loudest newborn scream I’d ever heard, but we were smitten.

We weren’t first time parents.  We knew the joy and love you’d bring to our house.  That there would be hard nights ahead, and easy days.  That you’d grow way too fast, and before we knew it, that we’d look at you and wonder where the bleary nights had gone and the newborn snuggles.

A year later, and the love I have for you is unending.  You watch your brother with amazement and admiration.  Squealing with delight when I take you to wake up your brother, just before we open his door.  You play peek-a-boo slapping your hands up against your eyes so your little baby cheeks wiggle.  Then peek one eye out to see what’s going on around you and laugh when someone catches you.  The floor is lava the minute you see me, insistent on being held at all times if I’m in your presence.

I haven’t shied away from loving on you.  Haven’t shied away from holding you while you fall asleep at night, savoring every last bit of your baby-ness.  I’m so proud of you already, little boy.  Proud of you.  Proud of us: mommy + baby J.  We made it.  One very full, beautiful year.  Happy birthday, my love.

I love you so big,


Dear Jonathan v. XI

Dear Jonathan v. X

Dear Jonathan v. IX

Dear Jonathan v. VIII

Dear Jonathan v. VII

Dear Jonathan v. VI

Dear Jonathan v. V

Dear Jonathan v. IV

Dear Jonathan v. III

Dear Jonathan (v. X)

Another month gone by of your first year. Ten months with sweet baby J. I love your clapping and toothy grin. I love when your little body snuggles against mine in the morning, knowing that I am a safe place for you. I love the adoration and laughs you and your big brother have for each other. Your curiosity about the dog’s water bowl, closing doors by yourself, and what my drink tastes like that day. 

I love you, sweet boy. I wish for you all the happiness in the world. I wish I could memorize every last bit of this baby year, but it is almost gone already. Two more months until we celebrate a whole year with you. 

Love you always,


Dear Jonathan v. IX

Dear Jonathan v. VIII

Dear Jonathan v. VII

Dear Jonathan v. VI

Dear Jonathan v. V

Dear Jonathan v. IV

Dear Jonathan v. III

Dear Jonathan (v. IX)

Happy nine months, little guy! This past month you spent two weeks at home with daddy and me after a covid scare in your class, you finally mastered getting water out of your sippy, and you are so proud of yourself, and you’re army crawling and exploring all the things. Especially Sawyer’s food and water dishes. 😬 

Every night, I put you to bed, and you fall asleep in my arms. I rock you and just stare at you, hoping to hold on to the way your face looks so peaceful. The weight of your body at nine months. The little curl tuft of hair on top of your head. 

You are so loved. I hope you never doubt it. Not even for a second. I let minutes tick by hoping that each minute bores into you a deep sense that you will always be safe and loved in your mama’s arms. 

I love you sweet boy,


Dear Harrison (v. VI),

It was Friday the 13th. The weather was overcast and cool for a spring day. I woke your daddy up in the middle of the night after wondering by myself for several hours if this was the real thing. 

I was so unsure. So insecure. Afraid that I wouldn’t be a good enough mama to you. Afraid I would fall short for you. And yet the time had come for me to meet you. This strong, sweet little boy that would change my entire course of life. 

In your short three years you have already given me the whole world. 

When I’ve been sad, you’ve climbed into my lap and hugged me saying, “it’s ok, mama. Deep breaths.”

When I’ve laughed so hard at you, you’ve flashed me a smile with some side eye, knowing you’ve brought joy. 

When I’ve just been in a funk, you’ve said, “mama, you’re my best friend.”

You are wise beyond your years. Your heart is deeper and more beautiful than I could have ever dreamt. 

You are such a precious gift to this world. And I’m thankful for the front row seat to it all. Happy birthday, my beautiful boy. 



Dear Jonathan (v. VIII)

My goodness. Happy eight month birthday, little one. Your little light brightens up the whole room. Your patient demeanor and the way you sit back and take in the world makes me wonder what you think of all these crazy people around you. 

You’ve made me a better mama, learning a new little personality. Admiring your thoughtful and easy-going personality. You have me so eager to see what games you will like to play, what will interest you about your world. You’ve made my heart grow even more than I could have imagined it would grow. So very blessed to be entrusted to raise you, little boy. 

I wish I could just hold on to your sweet little baby-ness for forever. It just moves way too fast. 



Dear Jonathan (v. VII)

Happy monthly birthday. Whenever that is in a month that doesn’t contain a 30th day. You have awakened this past month. Discovering your ability to move and explore, you’re delighting us each and everyday as we watch you.

In particular this month, your adoration of your big brother has really been on display. He makes you laugh harder than anyone else. Your eyes sparkle and light up when he talks to you. It’s magical. 

I sit here rocking you to sleep for your morning nap. I’m amazed that seven months have already clipped by, and I want to imprint your babyhood on my heart. The way you feel in my arms, the soft snores as you peacefully snooze. You are such a joy, Jonathan Brooks. Love you. So big.



Dear Jonathan (v. VI)

The time between five and six months sped up infinitely. We lived a whirlwind of doctors appointments, going to ‘school’ for the first time, and long cuddles of exhaustion in the evening for both of us.

Each night, though, finally, exhaling from the day and rocking you while you sleep, I remember how lucky I am. Lucky to be a mom. To be YOUR mom. To me, little boy, you are perfect. A blessing to be your calm and safe place at the end of every day. So very blessed.

Happy six months, my little love.



(Originally posted to Instagram)

**Hey friends, I’ve been wrapped up with work lately, and didn’t get a chance to write much over the past weekend. So, instead of throwing together a bunch of posts that I don’t love, I’m going to take the rest of the week off. I’ll see you back here on Tuesday! And Go Chiefs!**

Dear Jonathan, (v. V)

Five months with you sweet boy. Enough time has passed now that it’s hard to remember life before your sweet spirit. You are my little calm always wanting to be close to mommy. You are Mr. Independent. Already so vocal when things are NOT happening the way you want. 

This month we watched you start to try to play with your big brother, eager to interact and have fun. Find joy in playing with your toys, and ever more proficient at rolling despite our continued attempts to keep you on your tummy. 

The ever observer. I love watching you take in your world. I couldn’t love being your mommy more. You are perfect, my sweet baby J. 



{originally posted to Instagram}

Dear Jonathan (v. IV)

Another month of smiles, laughing, and coos. This month you’ve started interacting with us. You search for me when you hear me call your name. You watch and kick In excitement when Harrison plays with you. You’re happiest being held. Assured of your people being there. Loving you. 

Little boy. Being your mommy is the best job of all.  Watching you learn to love on your family is pure joy. I love you, baby J. So big.



Dear Jonathan (v. III)

Happy three months! We’ve really gotten into our groove this past month. You love the extra time with me and daddy to talk and play.  You’re showered daily with Harrison kisses and hugs.  Watching your sweet little eyes light up when we sit down and talk to you makes my day bright.

But putting you down to sleep at night, when your eyes quickly drift off, is my favorite.  Happy.  Content.  Safe.  Just being able to feel that your little soul feels loved and safe in my arms is the sweetest blessing of all.  You are pure quiet, kind, light in this crazy world, little boy.  My sweet little light.



{{For earlier letters to Jonathan, see my Instagram.}}