Tag: Midwest Gardens

August 2023 Garden Tour

The August garden. It always looks a little wonky around here. A few things are passed their prime, but the zinnias and ornamental onions are just entering as the star of the show. Only another month before most of these annuals will come out and I’ll be trading the summer colors for fall reds and golds. Here’s a look at where we started and where we’re at now! We had a big storm come through in late July, and some plants have just never recovered. Such is life as a gardener!



This one turned out to be more purple than I had intended. The purple flowers seemed to enjoy their spot more than the other flowers I had in there that provided some depth of color.

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Friday Favorites: Stunning Garden Performers and Duds {09.06.19}

One of the hardest parts about the beginning of fall for me is taking out the annual plants in my garden. I always have the best of intentions of taking pictures of everything so that I can keep track of what really took to its growing spot and exploded, versus performed average to sad, sad underperformers so I never buy them again.

Sadly, I so rarely remember to take pictures, and then I end up repeating some of the same mistakes as the last year….BUT, not this year. I put this topic on my blogging calendar, which means I’m actually going to stick to it. So here it is – my favorite garden performers this year:

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