Tag: Our Life

What’s Up Wednesday {03.25.20}

What feels like a lifetime ago, my last What’s Up Wednesday, I was so excited for spring on the horizon, and my Fridays at home with Harrison. I was looking forward to all of the things that I love about this season. Being outside, gardening again, and getting to enjoy the good weather. And now that we sit here almost two weeks into self-quarantine, while none of the things has been completely taken away from me, it certainly feels different and more complicated.

I’m linking up with Shay and Sheaffer to share with you what’s going on in our life lately!


  • Sunday: Leftover homemade pizza
  • Monday: Tacos
  • Tuesday: Leftovers
  • Wednesday: Sausage Vodka Pasta
  • Thursday: Leftovers
  • Friday: TBD


What turned out to be the good old days. When you could run to Target, and be assured cleaning supplies. That you could have birthday parties and book club with your friends. That you didn’t worry about your friends who were now scrambling to wonder how they would make money for rent, and friends who worked in the medical profession that are now putting their lives at much higher risk for us every single day. Life before quarantine. Life with extended family and friends mostly. Life that looked like this:

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The 3 Movies I Watch Over and Over Again…

You know the movies I’m talking about. They’re playing on a cable TV station with a million commercials, and you still opt to put them on for background noise. You could recite practically the entire script you’ve watched it so much, but you still love it. I love hearing about other people’s “background” movies. I feel like it tells me so much about them, and a little bit of a window into their lives. I’ve found that the movies that I listen to over and over again are usually the ones that I watched during the years of my life where I was really starting to come into my own as an adult. Maybe you’re the same 🙂

Good Will Hunting. Hands down my favorite movie to this day of all time. I love the writing. The quick banter and dialogue and deep character development. Robin Williams is brilliant. My Dad still texts me lines from this movie sometimes – it’s one of those loves that we’ll always share.

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What’s Up Wednesday {02.26.20}

The end is in sight for the end of busy season! If you’ve been following along here, you know that I work full time in the accounting field, and our busiest time of the year during January and February. And the end is ALMOST HERE! Which means, spring is just around the corner! Time for walks outside, planting season and trips to the garden center, and more time with my sweet little man.

I’m linking up with Shay and Sheaffer to share with you what’s going on in our life lately!


  • Sunday: Nathan made burgers this weekend – one of my absolute favorite things that he makes in the whole world. So we did leftovers on Sunday.
  • Tuesday: Chicken taquitos
  • Wednesday: Leftovers
  • Thursday: Potato soup
  • Friday: Leftovers
  • Saturday: Out to eat!


Our gender reveal last weekend!

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How I Get Ready for a Busy Period of Life

I am at my heart a planner. I like to be as prepared as possible for big changes and busy life seasons. My Januarys and Februarys for the last eleven years are my busiest months at work. Before I went to a reduced schedule, it was anticipated that at a very minimum, you would work from 8 in the morning until at least 7/8 at night. But most of the time, it was much later than that. Saturday work days at the office were the norm. Sundays spending at least a few hours working were typical. Now, with my reduced workload, I have less of those hours expectations, but it’s still busier than normal. Clients have immovable deadlines, and something, invariably, always goes wrong at some point during those months.

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What’s Up Wednesday {01.29.20}

My first What’s Up Wednesday of the new year! This January seems to be lasting for forever. Anybody else? I’m craving warmer weather, and time spent outside in the garden and walks with my little man.

I’m linking up with Shay and Sheaffer to share with you what’s going on in our life lately!


January and February are my busiest months at work. Dinner time is all about easy, easy, easy.

  • Sunday: Carne asada tacos
  • Tuesday: Pulled pork leftovers from my birthday dinner at my parents’ house!
  • Wednesday: Maybe leftovers
  • Thursday: Baked potato bar
  • Friday: Out to eat
  • Saturday: Date night!


Warm weather. And gardens that are full of flowers and greenery.

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A Year in Review: 2019

I love looking back at old pictures. Putting together this post let me re-live so many happy moments, including watching our little baby grow up before my eyes. We had a wonderful year, really getting into our groove as a family of three (four if you count the dog!). Here’s how our year unfolded…

In January, our year started with Christmas! Yes, Christmas. Harrison shared his stomach flu with our whole family for actual Christmas Day, so our year started with a make-up Christmas Day with my family…

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Let’s Look At…Your Gift Wrapping Station

It’s “Let’s Look At” day with Shay and Erika, and I LOVE reading through these links getting a glimpse into your lives! Today we’re looking at our gift wrapping station.

My gift wrapping station has been taken over by a little boy’s playroom. I used to have a whole unused room upstairs that once a year turned into Santa’s workshop, but now, that room gets used much more by a little guy playing with his toys, dog, and soccer games.

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