I’ve admired for years winter containers put together by some of my very favorite garden accounts. I’ve admired my own MIL and mom’s winter containers, but I finally had the time and energy to put some together myself this year!
Even though this is my first time doing winter containers, I love that it’s a cross between outdoor gardening and flower vase arrangements. You can play with and re-cut, re-arrange as much as you want! Watering doesn’t matter as much if it’s below freezing, and you can make it all look just to your liking!

To put together these winter containers, I had picked out the containers around my home that I wanted to spruce up with evergreens this winter when I pulled out my annual flowers this fall, and I left the potting soil in the pots. The most cost effective way to create a base for your arrangement 😊. I’ll clean out the old potting soil in the spring before I re-pot them with spring flowers!