The Lanes Lately – October Edition

I’ve been gone from blog world for almost two months. I thought I’d only be gone for six weeks. Maybe even only four if everything went well! But like everything with life and a new baby, you just can’t really estimate what life will be like juggling two little ones instead of just one.

To make matters more interesting and challenging, because #COVID, Harrison was home with us for about a month leading up to Jonathan’s birth and for two months afterwards. This is his very first week back at daycare. I adore his daycare, and he has truly thrived there, so I was eager to get him back to his routine, his friends, and a place he really loves, but it also weighs on me these types of decisions right now. Whether he’ll be safe from coronavirus, whether we will be ok if he brings it home to us…you just can’t really know. We weighed the risks and benefits of it all, and decided that for Harrison and our family, it was best for him to go back to school. I know so many of you have had that hard decision to make this fall too, and it makes me so happy when I see other moms supporting each other and the hard decisions we make for our families. So keep it up, friends! This is a tough year and season of life, but I have no doubt that good, good things are coming.

MAKING: A whole lot of energy bites. I blogged the recipe HERE. We go through at least a full batch of these weekly right now.

WEARING: All the athletic wear with the stretchy waist band. I’m only two months post-partum, and those pre-pregnancy jeans definitely don’t fit yet. Maybe they never will – who knows. I haven’t quite figured out how to make a work out routine fit into our lives yet, but I imagine with Harrison back in school, I’ll be able to have some more “me time,” which includes time for exercise. I’m coming back, Bar Method! Well, not in person just yet, but virtually. 🙂

LOVING: It’s about as lame and old folky as it gets, but I’m going to go with the weather. This is Nathan’s favorite time of year, and a close second for me. (I just love spring with all the new growth and garden center trips and planting. 🙂 ). But the cool weather of fall has led to a lot of time outside playing in the evenings with Harrison, numerous walks with the boys. And hey, fall candles. My favorite scents of all.

USING: I am on a quest to nail down my absolute favorite curly girl method gel. I’ve been trying allll the gels lately. I guess if I can’t control anything else in this crazy world, I’m going to control my curls. Ha. So far, my favorite gel for my cast has been Kinky Curly Curling Custard. You can get it at Target, and it gets me the tightest curls yet. You can read about my curly girl method and journey HERE and HERE.

DRINKING: It’s OCTOBERFEST time! And I’m a sucker for Sam Adams Octoberfest.

ENJOYING: This week, I’ve been enjoying having a bit more time to just breathe. You mamas with multiple littles, I just applaud you. It’s crazy to me how much chaos two little people can create in a house. It’s a beautiful crazy, but I am enjoying a little more quiet this week. 🙂

But missing these moments with our cousins that make my heart so happy. These kiddos love each other so much, and watching them grow up together is so much fun.

I can’t wait for these littles to be able to run around together again.

See you guys next week!

2 thoughts on “The Lanes Lately – October Edition

  1. Aw, loving that photo of you with your two guys. So sweet. My boys were each born quite close together and it was crazy how much chaos one, or two, or three little people could create!

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