The Moment When Everything Changes

I see it so clearly now in how little Harrison goes about life. He’s blissfully unaware to be self-conscious about anything. He exclaims happily, “YAY!” when he loves something or someone finishes singing a song. He claps his hands and stomps his feet when he’s excited about something. He happily dances to any song waving one arm in a lawn mower fashion while prancing around on his feet. He’s 100% unabashedly himself.

I can’t help but think how refreshing that is in this world. It seems that at some point, we all become aware that there are things that are socially “cool” and socially…so not. There’s a point when someone may point out to you, in your childhood usually, that you have an unusual physical feature, or a different way of saying something or doing something, and you become self-conscious of it for forever.

Sure, most of us grow up to adjust our mindset and embrace these things. But I can’t help but wish we could live our lives a little more like an almost two year old. Dancing the way we want, whenever the beat hits us. Exclaiming loudly with joy when we love something. Hugging people with every ounce of our being just because we are so excited to see them after being gone for just an hour. What would a world like that look like? Seems like it would be a lot more fun.

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