Things I’ve Learned From Mom

I learned to love first from my mom. I learned what it means to live for tiny little people who don’t even understand the sacrifices you’ve already made for them. I’ve learned that apologizing to your kids is important. That they need to hear it’s ok to misstep and important that we take ownership of it. That we can course correct again in the morning light.

I’ve learned what it feels like to never doubt someone’s love for me because of her love for me. What it feels like to know I can always come home as my safe place.

I learned the importance of words and telling people what they mean to you over and over again. I’ve learned that you can raise healthy, well balanced adults even though you spent years feeding them over cooked chicken because you wanted to be sure it was completely done. 

I’ve learned that self worth is first learned at home.

That everything looks better after a shower and a good night of sleep. I’ve learned what it looks like to worry but to be brave enough to let your kids go. I learned that moms never leave home without 15 bags of everybody else’s crap lovingly packed for them ‘just in case.’

I learned what it means to live with your heart outside of your body. To feel someone else’s pain and joy as vividly as your own.

I’ve finally realized what a superpower it is to be a great mom. To have been raised one. And what an important job it is in a child’s life.

Thank you, Mom. For the big lessons and the small. For showing me first what it means to be a Mom.

5 thoughts on “Things I’ve Learned From Mom

  1. What a lovely tribute to your mother 🙂 I never doubted I would be a good mother since I was raised by one who was also raised by one (my Nana). What a privilege to know love!

  2. How fortunate we are having the amazing moms that we have! Wouldn’t the world be a different place if every child experienced this endless love? My mantra has always been that if my kids love me even half as much as I love my mom, I will have been a success. Getting to know Cheryl over these past 4-5 years has been such a blessing to me. I can only imagine seeing her though your eyes. Happy Mother’s Day to both of you.

    1. I can always tell how much you love your mom. What an amazing tribute you are to her. 💜

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