First off, I just wanted to thank you for the patience and understanding with needing a quick break! I had one of my clients file on Friday. I left work at noon and got a pedicure to celebrate. It felt like the first true exhale and promise that spring was close at home.
I wanted to share about our gender reveal today!
A few weekends ago, Nathan’s family and my family gathered at my parents house for our big gender reveal. Leading up to the day, I had no time to think about ideas of how we would do the reveal. I had originally planned on hosting everyone at our house for chili, but the weeks leading up to that day turned into a blur of stress, deadlines, and Nathan working super long hours that left me feeling completely depleted emotionally. So my parents volunteered to host instead. And I sheepishly and guiltily accepted because I just couldn’t add another thing to my plate.

My parents made the most delicious brisket, and our whole family was there and healthy! And so for the helping hand when I was already feeling down, I am so grateful.
We entrusted our little envelope with Baby Lane’s gender to our sisters. They drew a heart the color of little Lane’s gender on Harrison’s belly. And then our whole family waited for Harrison to proudly show off his belly, as he’d done many times before, to reveal whether our little one was a girl or boy.

Our family’s cheered, although not a one was surprised to see a little BLUE heart on Harrison’s belly. There have been many generations of lots of Lane boys.

We are so excited to welcome another little Lane boy. It’s hard for me to conceptualize right now that this little boy will be uniquely different than his big brother. It’s hard to imagine right now. But in five months time, I know we’ll be blown away by just that.

As for now, we are on the hunt for another boy’s name! We had the hardest time even coming up with Harrison the first time around. We’re both dreading having to find another name that we both like!

Other things that we’ve been asked:
Will we have a third to try for a girl?
I keep saying that we take our pregnancies and babies one at a time and then see how we feel. Right now, smack dab in the middle of pregnancy, the emotional side of pregnancy is deeply wearing on both Nathan and myself and it’s hard to imagine going through it again. But then again, here we are for round two.
Will Harrison stay in his room or will you keep it the nursery?
We’re thinking that we’ll move Harrison to our other bedroom upstairs and keep his little brother in the nursery. We’ll be able to put the pictures back up on the wall without a curious toddler able to knock them down.
Are you going to get another crib for Harrison?
No. I’m not looking forward to it, but we’re going to have to do the transfer to a big kid bed hopefully before little one arrives.
It’s been a week now letting it sink in that we’re going to have another little boy. It makes it so much more real, and I already feel closer to little baby knowing that he’s a little boy than before, and for that, I’m so thankful.
Congrats on Baby Boy #2! I had a feeling that you would be welcoming another little boy into this world! Did you feel like this pregnancy was different and that you might be having a girl or did you just KNOW that it would be another boy? Either way you have such an exciting life ahead with a house of Lane boys! <3
My pregnancy has felt pretty similar, although I feel like I mentally blocked out some things the first time around. With all of the Lane boys in Nathan’s family, I had a pretty good feeling it was a boy but was kind of hoping maybe we’d get a girl this time. But I’m so excited to see Harrison with a little brother 💙