What’s Up Wednesday {05.26.21}

If you’re new to here, once a month, I link up with Shay and Sheaffer to share with you what’s going on in our life! It’s a little a bit of everything. What we’re eating, what I’m wearing, what I’m looking forward to, what I’m dreading. A little life update in one post…

1: WHAT WE’RE EATING THIS WEEK: Did you see my Trader Joe’s haul yesterday? I’m eating all the snacks from my TJ’s. It’s a blessing and a curse the week after a Trader Joe’s run, because I find myself at the pantry trying a different snack VERY FREQUENTLY.

As far as what we’re making this week, I’m making a BBQ shrimp boil in the Instant Pot, Pork Fried Rice, and my grandma’s sloppy joe’s recipe.


Remember back when we took vacations? I’ve got a serious itch to get out of KC for a little bit. Our very last family vacation was our trip to visit my parents in South Dakota in 2019

And then my sister and I got away for a long weekend in Charleston just after this trip…

And the last time I got on an airplane, Nathan and I headed to NYC to celebrate our anniversary in November.

It is time to get the heck out of dodge!


It’s PEONY SEASON! All of those fluffy white blooms have me 😍. I’m trying something new this year, too, chilling some of these buds that are ready to open, but haven’t yet. Hoping they will provide for peonies for the next few weeks when the blooms have faded. It’s such a short time, but it’s a lovely time in the garden and at home.

Also, have we all tried the La Croix Guava flavor???

This will be on regular rotation all summer!


I posted last week that Harrison’s spring soccer has just wrapped up!

We took Harrison to his very first Royals game earlier this month…

We had the BEST time! Even though the Royals lost…by a lot.

And we’ve been doing lots of playing both indoor and out! We’ve had some very soggy weeks and absolutely beautiful spring weather weeks!


I’m kind of dreading bugs/pests in the garden. I love gardening, but by this time next month, it’s full blown pest season. Every week it feels like I’m fighting something new in the garden. Totally worth it, but I sometimes wonder all of these beautiful gardening accounts I love on Instagram how they never seem to have any pests. I have to remind myself that the ‘gram is just curated beautiful content. It usually doesn’t show the ugly.


Picking out new light fixtures and living room couch. We got our whole first floor painted (AH!), and now that the walls look so good, we’ve got an itch to change more of the things that aren’t our style to our style. The couch we have is just old. Like ten years old. It’s lived a good life. Contemplating this chandelier for the dining room…

It’s simple and classic. My sister I’m sure will make fun of me because I always tend to pick simple, clean traditional styles.


I’m excited for some Splashin’ and Smokin’ this summer with the cousins. Our city pool was closed last year with COVID, and we desperately missed afternoons at the pool with our cousins. If you’re new here, a couple of years ago we started a Saturday tradition of taking Evie and Harrison to the pool Saturday afternoons, and then enjoying some smoked BBQ that Nathan cooked after the pool. We’d have so much fun wrangling the kids, and everyone would fall into bed in the evening drained and exhausted.

I’m also really excited because after twelve years, I’m starting a new job after the holiday! I’m staying with the same company, but I’m moving to a different line of business and a different role. I’m excited and a little nervous! I’ve been training for the last month, and I certainly have a lot to learn, but I’m really excited about a new challenge!


Still reading Thomas Rhett’s wife, Lauren’s book…

I’m so close to finishing it….I swear. My Kindle says I’m 80% of the way there! But, we had a game changer this month. I realized that with our family Amazon Prime account, I have access to all of the books that Nathan has purchased on Audible. 😧. How have I not known that I can access this?!?! So in the past week, I’ve actually “read” an entire book. Mind blown, you guys.

It was so good! I love a good celebrity written memoir. They’re light hearted, and usually average writing. But this one, well. Mr. McConaughey really has a knack for writing and telling stories. It was really delightful.

Nathan and I are starting up on Million Dollar Listing NY again…

And I’ve been trying to finish up RHONJ


Thomas Rhett came out with this new album…

It’s been on repeat at our house making dinner in the evenings.

And then I’ve gotten myself all caught up with this podcast…

Kate deep dives on pop culture topics. She’s intellectual, insightful, and very well spoken. Favorite episodes so far include the Rachel Hollis deep dive, and Childless Millennial.


You all know I don’t buy many new clothes. I wear the same clothes I’ve had for years over and over and over again because I love them.

This lightweight sweatshirt is new from aerie.

The rare occasion I have to get dressed up these days. 😂. All old, though.

And…all old again. Because why get rid of something you love?


Nathan’s grandma is coming into town, so we’ll be seeing her at least a couple of times! Aside from that, I’m hoping we can spend a lot of time outside. If it’s nice enough, maybe we’ll even venture to the pool.


I’m looking forward to my new job. It’s been a really long time since trying something new. Like since college. So, I’m eager and hopeful that this new position is a really good fit for me!

Happy Wednesday, friends!

14 thoughts on “What’s Up Wednesday {05.26.21}

    1. It’s so good, but a little hard to find. Anytime it’s available at Target for pick up, I add it to my cart. Happy Wednesday!

    2. We are heading to see the Royals play in June. Do you have any recommendations for sites or restaurants? First time visitors.

      1. BBQ is a must in KC! Our favorites are Jack Stack, Joe’s KC, and Q39. Where are you staying in KC?

  1. I totally relate to the TJ’s blessing/curse! We just did a haul on Monday, and I find myself wanting to open all the snacks to try, lol. Also, I’ve heard so many good things about Matthew McConaughey’s book. I think I just need to read it because I love watching his movies!

    1. I have eaten all. The. Snacks. This week. All of them. 🤪
      Highly recommend Greenlights – he’s an incredible storyteller!

  2. Those peonies are beautiful, I’m ready to get the heck out of Dodge too (!!!), how exciting you got to go to a baseball game, and all the best as you transition into your new position.

  3. Congrats on the new job and yay! For pool days. Peonies are my favorite. I usually only find them for a limited time at Trader Joe’s in may /June. I wish I had some in my yard! Have a great day

    1. I’ve never found peonies at our Trader Joe’s! I’ll have to check ours again the next time I go.

  4. Our last big trip was to South Dakota in 2019 too! We have plans for this summer though and I can not wait. What beautiful peonies. I were just checking on ours and so far no blooms but they are lush and green.

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