7 Quick Harrison Takes (v. X)

You guys know I like to jot down little things about my boys that are making me laugh about their personalities lately, or sweet things that they’re doing. It’s my way of capturing their budding little personalities, and I love going back to read some of the old ones. It makes me remember some of the sweet things that have now passed us by and they’ve grown out of over the years.

After two full weeks at home with the boys, I had plenty of material for some Harrison quick takes.

-1- It’s apparently totally appropriate to Christmas carol in January. Harrison’s go to: Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells Jingle all the way. Old McDonald is to ride in a one up witch’s sleigh, HEY! (Sounds like Santa must love Halloween.)

-2- He tells me all the time how he wants to be a Mommy when he grows up.

-3- Declares the soccer ball ‘out of balance’ so he can throw it in. And every goal I score as “not counting” because I didn’t follow “the rules.” He also likes to shout “I WINNED!”

-4- His sense of direction has now exceeded my own. I have an awful sense of direction, but I have lived in almost the same place for the past 30+ years, and I still have to google how to get to the highway. Harrison also likes to ask me, “Are you sure you’re going the right way?” No, kid. No I’m not. I’ve been unsure my whole life that I was going the right way.

-5- He came home from school one day and informed me that we do not say “pee and poop. But we can say tooted.” I asked him who told him that – his answer, “his friends.” Good call, guys.

-6- Kids don’t feel cold. I know that. I was not prepared for the part of being a ‘boy mom’ that I have a 3 year old running around the house in shorts and t-shirt when it’s 10* out, and then insisting to me that he does not need a coat to go outside, and he will NOT BE COLD.

-7- He’s the sweetest big brother (sometimes). Whenever Baby J starts crying, he dashes upstairs to find his lovey and bring it to him. Harrison’s lovey was always the thing that he wanted when he was crying.

2 thoughts on “7 Quick Harrison Takes (v. X)

  1. Such sweet remembrances! I used to a series on my blog called kids say and keep track of the funny things my boys said at various ages/ stages.

    1. Even now I go back and read earlier versions and realize I’d already forgotten some of the things they used to do all the time. 😊

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