Tag: Quick Takes

7 Quick Jonathan Take (v. III)

I had to scroll way way way back on the Jonathan section of this blog to find the last time I did quick Jonathan takes. Like all the way back to last June. (Makes a mental note to do quick takes more often.) I rounded up seven things that are making me laugh, smile, frustrated about this little almost 2 and a half year old to hold on to and remember forever.

-1- He’s realized that Alexa can understand him now. And he loves yelling, “Alexa! play gummy gummy!” Which is the gummy bear song for those that aren’t familiar with gummy gummy.

-2- Potty training has also come with a strange tradition now. The naming of his poop. Jungle poop. Zebra poop. Monkey poop. Does it seem to have any rhyme or reason? No. But it’s hilarious.

-3- The way he pronounces things without “r.” Like saying, “You ready Hay-son?”

-4- He tends to wander off and disappear. And I often times find myself yelling in the house, “Jonathan, where are you?” Only to hear from somewhere in the house, “I’m right here!”

-5- His best friends at school right now are Georgie Porgie, John John, and Brooksie. And he’s also asking his friends, “You wanna come bounce?” To see who he can get to come play in the bounce house with him.

-6- Jonathan dancing is my favorite. It’s a butt out squat, arms in the air and wiggle while sticking your tongue out dance move. And I love it.

-7- Being two and a half has also come with an obsession with locks on doors. Including locking me into Harrison’s room with no way of getting out. And locking himself in our master bathroom all while yelling at his brother that “[He] needs privacy!” This episode also came with the realization that we don’t own a key that unlocks our master bathroom door….

I love getting to know this little personality that is so uniquely Jonathan. He makes me smile and laugh every single day.

7 Quick Jonathan Takes (v. II)

-1- When he finds something that we were looking for, he declares ”DARE IT IS!”

-2- Completely obsessed with his mow mow. That’s lawn mower in baby talk.

-3- I love it when he informs me he needs to put on his “sockies” before his shoes.

-4- His favorite part of the alphabet must be ”Q, R, S” because he’ll scream sing that to us over and over and over again.

-5- He’s still my little reader. Still pulls down book after book after book and flips the pages, sometimes pointing at certain things in the book.

-6- Jonathan is my wait and see kid. We had our parent educator over the other week, and she asked me if he ever does puzzles. No – never. No interest. We got one out, and after five minutes Jonathan came and sat down on his own accord, not when Mom suggested he come do the puzzle, and rolled through the puzzle like he’d been doing puzzles every day of forever. My mouth just hung open. Literally the first time I’ve ever seen him do a puzzle. And that’s the way most things go with him. Out of nowhere one day, he sits down and does something that you’ve been asking him to do or say for months.

-7- The way he runs or walks with purpose makes me laugh every time. He has one arm that swings vigorously on his right side, and the other just kind of stays still.

Love this little boy of mine. He is endlessly exhausting because he’s at the age of endless energy, but the need to explore things with no sense of danger. He doesn’t listen to a word I say and has no concept of consequences. But oh my, is he just complete cuteness wrapped up in sweet. Can’t believe that it won’t be much longer before he’s 2!

7 Quick Harrison Takes (v. XI)

If you’re new here, you’re probably wondering what “quick takes” are exactly. So, let me explain. I like to jot down things that are making me laugh or smile about each boy every once in awhile and commemorate them in a blog post. Truthfully, I adore these posts for very selfish reasons (and I think our extended family probably agrees). They are little windows into the personalities of each boy, and going back to read them from years past just brings me endless joy.

It’s so easy in the slog of day in and day out of parenting littles to forget the little things they say constantly, the games they are into for the moment because you’re so tired of playing the same thing over and over, and then, one day, you realize they haven’t said that phrase they said a million times a day anymore and you can’t remember the last time they said it. Ok, let’s get to what Harrison has been like lately…

-1- At the cabin this past summer, and over the past few months, he’s been learning how to play the card game “Go Fish.” While he doesn’t recognize all of the numbers yet, he loves to tell his opponent to “Goldfish!” And I’m just not correcting that, because I laugh every time he says it.

-2- If you want to know what you sound like to other people, have a kid. They will start to mimic your style and way of speaking that has you thinking, “that sounds oddly familiar.” Harrison follows up nearly every affirmative statement with, “Right? Right Mommy? Right Daddy?” As in, “We don’t play with Mommy’s iPad, RIIIIIGHT?”

-3- He tells me every couple of hours, “Mommy, you look beautiful.” (In background, Mom is in four day old unwashed hair, leggings, and a baggy sweatshirt that has snot smeared on it.) God love him.

-4- Now whenever he scores in soccer or football with us, he wants to “do the replay.” By essentially re-enacting the exact way that he just scored so he can re-live his glory.

-5- At nighttime lately when I’m tucking him in, he’s wanted to play a game where I ask him if he likes each NFL team. I’ll say, “Do you like the Bengals?” “No!” “The Patriots?” “No!” Then when the game is over, he wants to ask me the questions. And he refers to the Carolina Panthers as “the Pantries.” For the record, I do not like the Pantries.

-6- If there is a package to open, he will run it to his craft table and use his scissors to cut if open faster than you can tell him no. No package is safe from the power he now has with his scissors!

-7- I shared it on my Instagram stories awhile back, but he now lines up his cars in a row…a VERY long row, because there are so many cars in this house…and when I asked him the first time what they were doing, he replied, “It’s the Chick-fil-a line.” He’s not wrong.

And one bonus because it’s still Harrison birthday month…

-8- He calls short sleeved shirts “hot sleeves.” He always wants to wear hot sleeves.

7 Quick Harrison Takes (v. X)

You guys know I like to jot down little things about my boys that are making me laugh about their personalities lately, or sweet things that they’re doing. It’s my way of capturing their budding little personalities, and I love going back to read some of the old ones. It makes me remember some of the sweet things that have now passed us by and they’ve grown out of over the years.

After two full weeks at home with the boys, I had plenty of material for some Harrison quick takes.

-1- It’s apparently totally appropriate to Christmas carol in January. Harrison’s go to: Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells Jingle all the way. Old McDonald is to ride in a one up witch’s sleigh, HEY! (Sounds like Santa must love Halloween.)

-2- He tells me all the time how he wants to be a Mommy when he grows up.

-3- Declares the soccer ball ‘out of balance’ so he can throw it in. And every goal I score as “not counting” because I didn’t follow “the rules.” He also likes to shout “I WINNED!”

-4- His sense of direction has now exceeded my own. I have an awful sense of direction, but I have lived in almost the same place for the past 30+ years, and I still have to google how to get to the highway. Harrison also likes to ask me, “Are you sure you’re going the right way?” No, kid. No I’m not. I’ve been unsure my whole life that I was going the right way.

-5- He came home from school one day and informed me that we do not say “pee and poop. But we can say tooted.” I asked him who told him that – his answer, “his friends.” Good call, guys.

-6- Kids don’t feel cold. I know that. I was not prepared for the part of being a ‘boy mom’ that I have a 3 year old running around the house in shorts and t-shirt when it’s 10* out, and then insisting to me that he does not need a coat to go outside, and he will NOT BE COLD.

-7- He’s the sweetest big brother (sometimes). Whenever Baby J starts crying, he dashes upstairs to find his lovey and bring it to him. Harrison’s lovey was always the thing that he wanted when he was crying.