7 Quick Jonathan Take (v. III)

I had to scroll way way way back on the Jonathan section of this blog to find the last time I did quick Jonathan takes. Like all the way back to last June. (Makes a mental note to do quick takes more often.) I rounded up seven things that are making me laugh, smile, frustrated about this little almost 2 and a half year old to hold on to and remember forever.

-1- He’s realized that Alexa can understand him now. And he loves yelling, “Alexa! play gummy gummy!” Which is the gummy bear song for those that aren’t familiar with gummy gummy.

-2- Potty training has also come with a strange tradition now. The naming of his poop. Jungle poop. Zebra poop. Monkey poop. Does it seem to have any rhyme or reason? No. But it’s hilarious.

-3- The way he pronounces things without “r.” Like saying, “You ready Hay-son?”

-4- He tends to wander off and disappear. And I often times find myself yelling in the house, “Jonathan, where are you?” Only to hear from somewhere in the house, “I’m right here!”

-5- His best friends at school right now are Georgie Porgie, John John, and Brooksie. And he’s also asking his friends, “You wanna come bounce?” To see who he can get to come play in the bounce house with him.

-6- Jonathan dancing is my favorite. It’s a butt out squat, arms in the air and wiggle while sticking your tongue out dance move. And I love it.

-7- Being two and a half has also come with an obsession with locks on doors. Including locking me into Harrison’s room with no way of getting out. And locking himself in our master bathroom all while yelling at his brother that “[He] needs privacy!” This episode also came with the realization that we don’t own a key that unlocks our master bathroom door….

I love getting to know this little personality that is so uniquely Jonathan. He makes me smile and laugh every single day.

8 thoughts on “7 Quick Jonathan Take (v. III)

  1. Definitely snippets in time you’ll want to remember! One of my son’s best friends locked herself in her mother’s bathroom too and even though they did have a key she had opened a vanity drawer and they could not open the door to get to her so they had to cut a hole in the door (and then replace it!)… mostly because once their daughter realized she was stuck she proceeded to freak out and scream. Ah… kids! They can be hilarious and frustrating at the same time.

    1. I love that story! I consider myself lucky that he unlocked it by himself. I feel like the more parents I’ve told about locking himself in rooms, the more hilarious stories I’ve heard of breaking down doors, firefighters called, etc. 😂😂

  2. Too funny! Your Grandma Arlene lock herself in our LaCrosse home by accident on Easter Sunday morning. I have a photo of everyone bent over looking at the door knob (yup, that’ll fix it!). It still makes me laugh when I run across that photo! I can hear Arlene saying “This isn’t funny!” Grandpa B saying, “How could you be . . . ” and Adam, maybe 3-4 yrs old saying, “Sit down and try to poop until we get you out!” and my Bob saying, “Mom, calm down. We know we can get the door open.” Which we could, cuz I had been complaining about that door mechanism for months . . .

  3. Love these little Jonathan highlights. The poop story is hilarious! In the picture he looks so big! Not a baby J anymore.

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