7 Quick Harrison Takes (v. XII)

If you’re new here, you’re probably wondering what “quick takes” are exactly. I like to jot down things that are making me laugh or smile about each boy every once in awhile and commemorate them in a blog post. They are little reminder and windows in time of their personalities, the things that they are interested in, and the absolutely adorable things they say at these ages.

It’s almost Harrison’s half birthday, and that always seems like a good time to commemorate the little things I’ve jotted down about him.

-1- The things he’s dreaming about being lately include a soccer player, but only for Chelsea FC, a tree cutter, and a mommy and daddy.

-2- We signed an incident report that he forcibly removed a “friend” from the teacher’s chair because the rule is you don’t sit in the teacher’s chair. After reminding his “friend” of the rule, and them not complying, he took matters into his own hands.

-3- If anything is any object is on the floor, it gets kicked by our soccer player. All toys are treated as soccer balls, dropped items in the kitchen, shoes sitting on the floor…all kicked.

-4- When I pick up Harrison from school, I ask him what was one nice thing that he did for a friend that day. And he without fail replies, “Uhhhh. I forgot to do anything nice.” And then after a couple more seconds, he asks me to offer suggestions of ways he may have been nice that day and not realized it, so that he can get appropriate credit for his kindness.

-5- I do not know what is happening inside his classroom, but every one of his friends calls him “Harrison Thomas.” I can only imagine that he is declaring himself Harrison Thomas over and over again to his friends.

-6- He refers to the cartoon dog Bluey as Gluey.

-7- Before he goes to sleep at night, I tell him, “I love you so much. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you.” And right now, he replies, “Mommy. I love you so so so so much. You’re the goodest Mommy.”

I can’t believe that I’ve been doing this motherhood thing for four and a half years already. What an absolute blessing this boy has been to me.

6 thoughts on “7 Quick Harrison Takes (v. XII)

  1. Aw, you are going to be SOO happy to have these posts to look back on!! I wish I had thought to document the boys’ funny sayings and quirky personality things when they were little.

    1. Whenever I sit down to write one of these, I find myself going back and reading old ones again. Such sweet memories. 💙

  2. Ahhh I love this! I used to hang out with my friend and her little girl and I was always emailing my friends the cute things the little girl said. I’m glad I did that because it helped me remember a lot of what she said…stuff her Mom didn’t even remember. The little girl is in college now, but I still remember.

    In contrast, my own mother was not a writer of anything so it’s very frustrating when I ask her if she remembers anything I said or did that was cute and she doesn’t. Sigh..

    So keep writing these!!! lol

    1. It really is so nice to have the memories. Things change so quickly and there are even things that I had forgotten already when I go back and read early versions of these about the boys. ❤️

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