7 Quick Jonathan Takes (v. III)

I’ve been a bad mom….the last time I did Jonathan quick takes it was a YEAR ago. And he’s changed so much since then! My sweet little Jonathan, Baby J, or as he is insisting nowadays, BIG J, is complete joy. Pretty much all of the time. He’s quick to smile, do something silly, and truly brings up the mood of the room when he’s around. Let’s do some quick takes of Baby J that are making my life lately…

-1- There are so many cute things that he’s saying right now. He loves singing. I often hear him singing “We are the Champions” and a Ladybug song. Both equally adorable. But one of our favorite things he says now is, “OH DANG IT!” Said with a smile and a laugh.

-2- He refers to his balance bike as his “motorcycle.” And the kid is a big fan of his motorcycle.

-3- His obsession with lawn care has only grown. Mowers, weed wackers, leaf blowers. He ADORES them. Oftentimes, when we walk by an open garage door now on a walk, he takes a look inside and then informs me whether they have a mower or not.

-4- And on that note….when we arrive at a house to play, Jonathan will play for a few minutes, and then go up to the house and ask, “You got any mowers here?” He’s a man obsessed!

-5- He knows he’s funny. I often catch him making funny faces at himself in the mirror and checking himself out to see how he looks. Guys, he’s a crack up!

-6- At the end of bath time, we always watch the water go down the drain to spot the ‘tornado’ that the water makes as it gets sucked down. And Jonathan has now started asking where the “tomato in the drain” is

-7- He has one volume. And it’s always loud. He’s loud inside. He’s loud outside. I can always hear him talking because its at a volume that sounds like he’s had to learn to talk over people his whole life. But similar to his brother, he takes ‘no’ as just the opening start of a negotiation.

“Mom – can we have a treat tonight?”

“No – not tonight.”

“How ‘bout cupcakes?”

“No. Not tonight.”

“How ‘bout fruit snacks?”


“How ‘bout ice cream?”

“I said no treats.”

“How how how how ‘bout popsicles?”

And around and around we go.

I love this little boy so much. The joy he brings to so many people always astounds me. He just radiates happiness.

3 thoughts on “7 Quick Jonathan Takes (v. III)

  1. Oh so cute! I had one real negotiator too and we always joked he was going to grow up to be a lawyer.

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