Friday Favorites {06.05.20}

Hey June! Hey summer! This meme popped up on my Instagram feed the other day, and made me laugh…

Anybody else? No? Just me. That’s ok…

Some people have used quarantine to make bread. I used it to finally try making…

Freezer Jam! And I’m eating it daily on soooo much toast and bread. It was super easy and it’s delicious!

I wrote about last week how hard some of the decisions have been for us surrounding this pandemic. Particularly because of my pregnancy. We made the very hard decision after a lot of consultation with my OB and Harrison’s pediatrician to let Harrison go back to daycare this past week. And I can’t tell you how happy he was to see his friends.

I pray daily. Many times a day. As I know his Gigi and Mimi do too, for all of the kids and their teachers’ health and safety. But I am so thankful for a small sense of normalcy for Harrison and us for this short period before Harrison comes back home before the baby is born. And Harrison coming home and telling us about all of the fun he had playing with his best friend makes my heart so happy.

I didn’t mean for all of my favorites this week to be Instagram posts, but I wanted to share that my all-time favorite baby booties shop has reopened for orders! My sweet friend, and college roommate, gifted Harrison a pair of these booties when he was little, and I proceeded to put him in nothing but these booties until he was full blown ready for baby Nikes.

They don’t come off, the patterns she offers are adorable – you can even customize with a bow! If only I had a little girl! – and they wash and wear beautifully. I seriously can’t tell you how much I love these booties, and baby boy #2 already has two new pairs waiting for him when he arrives, including a pair in that cute grey arrow print! Plus I love supporting another mama!

My child’s absolute adoration of BIG TRUCKS right now really made his chance to get to ride and “drive” his Uncle Mike’s truck this past weekend so much more exciting. I think we may have a little boy that grows up wanting a truck as his first car.

Twilight on our garden path is sure looking beautiful right now with both the clematis and climbing rose here blooming at the same time. One more year, and I think we’ll have plants that reach the top of the arbor, which is incredible given that both of these plants are only in their second year, and the rose was planted as a bare root last June!

Happy weekend, friends!

2 thoughts on “Friday Favorites {06.05.20}

  1. Thank you for the bootie recommendation. I am adding to the list of gifts for my friends new baby! She is pregnant with her first and we are finding out if its a boy or girl in the next few weeks! Can’t wait! 🙂

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