Quarantine Recipe Round-Up

I’ve been doing so much more cooking during quarantine. Three people at home for three meals a day has resulted in the need for a LOT more food. I didn’t even mention snacks. Is it just me or do 2 year olds seem to snack constantly? Or maybe that’s just part of Harrison’s genes.

We’ve been able to take advantage of this extra time, though, and try out quite a few new recipes. Some were hits. Some were duds. So I’m sharing all of my thoughts on the new recipes we’ve tried this quarantine today.

Grilled Italian Sausages & Cowboy Tin Foil Packets

This one is a bit made up. I was desperate to find something different to grill this summer aside from just burgers and hot dogs, and pregnancy currently has me totally avoiding chicken. So, I grabbed some Italian sausages from the meat counter, and made we call “Cowboy packets” with lots of veggies one night for dinner, and it was a hit! So simple and delicious.

Cowboy Tin-Foil Packets


  • 1 red pepper
  • 1 yellow pepper
  • 1 red onion
  • 2 T butter
  • 1/4 lb baby yukon potatoes
  • salt & pepper to taste


  • Wash and cut veggies into cubes
  • Assemble tin foil packets with a mixture of onion, peppers, and potatoes
  • Season liberally with salt and pepper
  • Top with butter, and wrap into a packet for the grill. I double wrap mine to make sure the butter stays in!
  • Grill for about 25-30 minutes until veggies are soft, flipping packet halfway through

Make Again Meter? Yes! We just had it again last weekend!

Damn Delicious’ Slow Cooker Pot Roast

I already have a pot roast recipe that I really like. But you know how you’re always looking for the one thing that could really put it over the top to absolute love and wouldn’t change a single thing? We tried Damn Delicious’ recipe for slow cooker pot roast, annnnd it just wasn’t as good as my go-to recipe.

Make Again Meter? Nope. I’m going back to my old recipe.

Egg-Less Pancakes

I’ve shared before that Harrison has an egg allergy. He can’t eat anything with eggs in it unless they’ve been baked, generally. Like egg in a cookie seems to not bother him. But eggs in pancakes, waffles, french toast are a no-go around this house. So for Easter, I wanted to make it special since we’d be having Easter in quarantine without typical family brunch with everyone. I found this recipe online, and all three of us loved it! They tasted just as good as regular pancakes, and I’ve already made them several times since then. Harrison just firmly believes that if there are pancakes involved, there must also be bacon. Can’t say that I disagree with that belief.

Make Again Meter? Heck yes. This one is getting written on a recipe card to be used for many years to come.

Cheesy Gnocchi Florentine

I have yet to try a single recipe from Iowa Girl Eats that I didn’t love. She’s a gluten-free food blogger, and I love her recipes even though we aren’t a gluten-free household. This was another hit, although, during quarantine, I couldn’t find true gnocchi and opted to switch it out for just a standard riggatoni pasta. The fam gobbled it up and asked for it to be put on the make-again list! That’s a win!

Make Again Meter? Yup. Although we may stick with the substitute of pasta for gnocchi, we liked it that much.

Modern Honey’s Beef Ragu

I love Modern Honey for allll the dessert recipes. But this slow cooker beef ragu just didn’t do it for me. Something about the texture and lack of salt…ok, I really do have a problem with salt. The more salt, the better, in my opinion. But it was just a bit lacking.

Make Again Meter? Nope.

Six Sisters’ Pork Chile Verde Enchiladas

I just made these last week, and here’s where I really went wrong. Nathan’s mom makes the most unbelievable, drop dead, if I had to request my last meal on Earth, this might be it, Chile verde burritos ever. I’m not sure that any sort of Chile verde anything could stand a chance against my MIL’s. So, while it was tasty, it wasn’t Kim Lane Chile verde, and for that reason, we probably won’t be making again.

Make Again Meter? Probably not.

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