Friday Favorites {01.15.21}

I’m not sure where this week went. I’ve been stealing away as many minutes as I can rocking my sweet baby J to sleep in the evenings. Harrison has taken a liking to a game he calls “car crash,” which involves pushing matchbox cars into a big “car crash” pile. Everyone has settled into a new routine getting out the door in the morning, and playing and having dinner together at night. It’s kind of almost felt…dare I say…normal…? (Whaaaat? What’s normal in a pandemic world???). Anyways, happy Friday friends!

Have you tried Dots pretzels? If not, you. Are. Missing. Out. Add a bag of Dots to the grocery list right now. Seriously.

But Santa brought me these beauties. Basically a Cheeto with Dots seasoning…….sooooo good. Santa really does know how to get to my heart.

I’ve also been having a real moment with…

Hot Chocolate! You all know how much I love Penzey’s, and their hot chocolate is only making me love them more. It tastes more cocoa and less sugar-y than your standard Swiss Miss. (Nathan & Harrison both prefer Swiss Miss. All the fancy hot chocolate is saved for this lady.)

We were all excited about baby J’s first day of school! Jonathan’s doing so well in daycare. They comment regularly about how much he eats. He’s opting out of his long regular naps…what else is new at daycare? And he’s just happy to be hanging with a bunch of new friends!

I can’t tell you the night and day difference it’s been having Jonathan at a school we trust and love, and with teachers that seem to genuinely love all that taking care of babies all day entails.

With the above freezing temperatures this week and sunshine, everybody in our house has benefited from more walks outside. Especially our Sawyer girl, who like the rest of America, we found out at her annual vet appointment last weekend, has packed on the COVID quarantine pounds. Not sure if we blame that on the 2 year old “sharing” or the table food scraps she’s been getting more often from the adults of the household. 😁

I bought this print for Harrison’s room last April. Never made it up in his room before I decided we could all probably use the reminder, and ended up hanging it in our kitchen finally.

Speaking of kind, I’m pretty proud of this little boy. He sees a friend in everyone. Even in a snowman. Everybody needs a hug.

Hugs to you all. Have a wonderful weekend!

7 thoughts on “Friday Favorites {01.15.21}

  1. We love dots pretzels! I’m jealous of the snow. We’ve had some (even on Christmas), but I’m ready to have enough for snowman building and sledding. Have a good weekend!

  2. What a sweet picture of the snowman. We built a snowman a couple of weeks ago and it’s still out front. My work desk is at the front of the house so I can see how many people stop to admire him everyday. I do see he’s shrunk a bit today with the above freezing temperatures, so his days may be limited now.

    1. Ha! I love this! Our snowman is right outside my “office” too, and I’ve watched him shrink over the past week. ☺️

  3. Thanks for sharing! This is my first time on your blog. I clicked on it from a Friday Favorites link because of your cute golden in the pic! Then, I saw your K State gear in the photos! We live in Manhattan! I will be sure to stop by your blog more often. 🙂

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