Friday Favorites {02.25.22}

The world feels heavy again today. I find myself going from shocked and disbelief at what is happening in Ukraine. I think often about how scary it must be to be there right now. To one day be going about your every day business, and the next to be living in fear. It’s heart breaking. Maddening. And just wrong. I pray for the world’s response now.

I had written these Friday Favorites earlier this week. Before all of the madness happening in eastern Europe started. I do want to share them, as they have brought me joy this past week. But it felt wrong to not speak to the immeasurable pain happening now in Ukraine, and how helpless and sad it’s making me feel today.

Have a good weekend, friends. Hopefully one that looks a bit brighter than things do right now.

We celebrated two birthdays in our family last weekend: Nathan’s and my mom’s. The boys looooove birthdays. The singing, the cake, the presents that they rip open to help. What’s not to like??

I thought I’d share the gifts we got for Nathan this year for his birthday, because if you all are anything like me, I struggle and think about for months things that he might like that he hasn’t already bought for himself.

I noticed awhile back that his phone case was in bad shape. So, I added it to my running list of gift ideas for him. He prefers the plain silicone Apple phone cases. He thinks they’re easy to grip and by far add the least amount of bulk on the phone.

I saw this sweatshirt on Etsy some time back, and it was perfect for our resident Chelsea fan.

And then for the most random gift of all…I got him a nice pillow. Did he think it was weird and random? Yes. Is it a great pillow and he appreciates it immensely now that he’s slept on it for several nights? Also yes. I like this one because you can adjust the amount of memory foam inside so that it’s just right for you.

Ya’ll told me. But this Buffalo Chicken Dip from Trader Joe’s is amazing. May need to go sneak some right now. 😆 Have you tried it yet??

I haven’t been at this parenting thing for very long, but I truly appreciate the people, and particularly teachers at daycare that regularly tell me about the good of my boys. It doesn’t mean that there isn’t bad. They have their hard days, and even hard weeks. But when other adults can see the good and tell me, it means the world with me. And in particular with their teachers, gives me faith that we are both walking in the same direction of raising them and pouring into them to live up to their potential in their lives. That we’re speaking into them affirmations of goodness.


Parents night out at the Eric Church concert last weekend gave me life. It felt so good to be at a concert again, having a fun night out with a lot of people.

I just got done two days ago saying I never take pictures of my outfits…but here I am, new pullover, taking a pic. Love this new one from Marine Layer. Super soft and reversible! It’s on sale right now, too, and come in a brighter pink and grey/black version as well.

Have a good weekend!

2 thoughts on “Friday Favorites {02.25.22}

  1. Oh so true!! I still remember this one group of much older ladies at a restaurant one day coming over after their meal to compliment me on how well behaved all 3 boys were doing. I had them all with me on my own and we had just finished shopping so going to lunch was a risky move and I was trying so hard to keep them content until our food arrived. I thought we were being loud and they might be coming over to complain but that compliment has stuck with me for YEARS!

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