Friday Favorites {05.06.22}

The past week and a half have felt more like…many weeks. Both of the boys ended up with Influenza A, and some really terrible side effects of Tamiflu. The washing machine was running non-stop all week, if you know what I mean. But I think we are finally on the up and up again. This year has just seemed particularly bad with viruses. I swear one or both boys has been home every other week since the beginning of the year.

But, dare I say, I’m really excited for this weekend! We are back at soccer on Saturday, and celebrating Mother’s Day on Sunday.

This morning, I’ve got to get myself ready to take the boys to school for Muffins with Mom at their daycare. It’s our very first in-person holiday party at school since December of 2019 when Harrison looked like this…

So to say I’m very excited to get to celebrate with my boys at school is an understatement!

I’ve got almost all of the plants I need for my garden this year! This year’s colors are…all of them. Every last thing that looked pretty and drew my eye.

If you’ve been coming around here for awhile, you’ll know that I have the worst squirrels in the history of ever that live in our neighborhood. They absolutely destroy my flowers and pots, chomping off the leaves and spitting out the flower buds. I’m trying something new this year that’s supposed to deter them (and pretty much every other mammal including deer, rabbits, and chipmunks!) by grating Irish Spring original soap and sprinkling it around edges of my beds and in my pots. Apparently they don’t like the smell. I’m hopeful! It’s at least a cheap option to try. You can get a 12 pack of soap for $7 at Target.

The school pictures are back. And I just have to share a couple of them, because they’re just so gosh darn cute.

I snuck away in the middle of the sickness chaos at our house to have dinner out with my two closest friends from high school. It was much needed girl time, and a perfect break from taking care of two sick kiddos.


I shared yesterday some heart ponderings about my own Mom in honor of Mother’s Day coming up. Maybe some of those words would speak to you about your own mom to share with her this weekend.

In honor of my Mom on Mother’s Day, there has never been a more perfect post…

Being a mom is the most profound job I’ve ever had. I’m so thankful for the little boys who made me a mom and the mothers in my life that have encouraged me along the way. I’ve never been so honored to be a part of such an amazing tribe of women.

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend ahead!

4 thoughts on “Friday Favorites {05.06.22}

    1. Happy Mother’s Day to you! Hope you have a fun and relaxing weekend with no sick kids! 😉

  1. I sure hope all the sickness stays away for a nice long while now! I hope the Irish spring soap works; we have deer that like to eat all our plants… however I never see them just notice huge bushes with ALL their leaves missing.

    1. I’m thankful that at the very least we don’t have deer. They have huge appetites and eat everything. 😝 I’ll let you know if it works! So far it’s done a pretty good job.

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