Friday Favorites {07.01.22}

Oh my goodness, this week was busy! Harrison went to a soccer camp, and work seemed to be super busy, but we made it! I hope you had a good week, too! We’ve had a lot of wonderful things going on the past few weeks, and I’m going to share some of my favorites today!

Harrison spent a week at my parents’ cabin with his cousin, Everly. You guys, they had THE BEST time. I have to admit, I was a little nervous going into it. It was his first time away from us for so long, and he’s four years old and his cousin is five, and man, they can be a HANDFUL sometimes. But it sounds like Mimi and Papa more than survived. They thrived! And the kids have so many awesome memories running around the cabin and playing in the forest.

I’m just so very thankful for the time and my parents’ eagerness to take on such a tall task. 🙂

And Baby J got to enjoy us all to himself. He loved it!

It’s been almost two years exactly since Harrison last slept on a real bedframe. For the past two years, he’s slept on a mattress on the floor because our overly active child was taking apart his bedframe, and putting the screws in his mouth. BUT, he got it back this past week, AND he got pictures hung finally on his walls! It finally looks like a put together room fit for a little boy!

I’m so happy for my city because…

We were named as a World Cup city for 2026! Guys, this is a big deal for KC! HUGE. We hardly ever win hosting these big national, much less international events. I’m so excited for the city and for my boys that are going to be old enough to remember this!

This past weekend, I snuck away for a Royals baseball game with friends in the middle of the day. We had so much fun!

We took the boys blueberry picking last weekend. When we drove up to the berry patch, I had this strange feeling that I recognized it from my childhood, and sure enough, it was the same place my mom would take us to pick blueberries growing up. It always amazes me how we can remember places from childhood, and how surreal it feels to bring your own kids to them.

I’m intentionally going ‘out of office’ for the next week as we head up to my parents’ cabin in the Black Hills. I hope you all have a great holiday and have a chance to recharge!

One thought on “Friday Favorites {07.01.22}

  1. Enjoy your trip! It’s almost blueberry picking season here… and I’m hoping we don’t miss it like we did with strawberry picking season.

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