My Third Blogaversary!

Harrison was one year old at the time. I was working in a job that, while I was very good at it, gave me zero energy to get up in the morning to go do. I remember feeling like Harrison was growing so fast. I had memorialized as much of his first year as I possibly could on Instagram. I took up writing my little boys letters each month of their first year of life. A monthly letter to him the first year of his life. In fact, my very first real blog post was a letter to Harrison.

My very first Blog profile picture!

But I was struggling with how to keep up with remembering all of the things about family life and Harrison growing up without those monthly milestones of a first year.

And thus, Sunwashed Linen was born. A place of my own to remember my journey of motherhood and the boys’ childhood through my eyes. And other fun things that I enjoy in life, like gardening.

I named it Sunwashed Linen because it reminded me of the crispness of a perfect spring day full of expectation, my favorite season. It sounded fresh and new and like a name that was full of possibilities.

I changed my Instagram handle to match my new blog name, and took the terrifying step of making my profile public. I’ve never been an extrovert or outspoken person. I tend to think of myself as someone holds things close to the vest and only really opens up around close friends.

But I’ve challenged myself time and again to not be afraid here. To share my thoughts, and more pictures than I’d ever dreamed of putting on the internet of no-make-up, hair in a bun, selfie in a mirror. But I’ve treasured getting to know those of you who come by here often and comment. And I know there are plenty who read this blog and never comment or say a word, and that’s ok too! That was always me for a very long time! I’m happy you’re here, too, and find something to connect to as well. I’m always honored when something I write speaks to you, or I hear the familiar, “Same,” as I share a moment of exhaustion or confusion.

When you buy an outfit I suggested, or try a recipe that our family loved.

And mostly, I’m thankful that you’ve gotten to know me and my family through this writing.

As always, I’m so thankful for each of you.

9 thoughts on “My Third Blogaversary!

  1. Happy Blogiversary! I’ve loved every bit of your blog and so happy you’ve found an outlet to share your many talents, little loves, & treasured joys.

  2. Happy Blog anniversary! I’m a newer follower to the blog and IG. A fellow Kansas Citian – from the Missouri side! Also an accountant, and girl mom to a 4.5 year old. Reading your blog definitely resonates. Glad to have found you!

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