Dear Aidan (v. I)

Three whole months with you. My memory feels like a fog of the last three months, only just finally starting to feel like the light is getting brighter. The days and nights are starting to feel shorter. And I’m shocked to have finally started to catch my breath only to realize I’m three whole months into this life with you.

You are such a content little dude. You quietly watch your brothers run and bounce around you.

You are still, most certainly, very attached to Mama. Not ready to be very far from comfort and food. But I love being your person. I love the way you look for me when you hear my voice. When I crouch down and talk to you, the huge smile that creeps across your face.

You are getting a mama who has already walked this road twice before. One that feels a bit more sure of herself. I hope one that is a bit more patient. And a bit more gentle. One that still challenges you enough, but welcomes you into her arms when things are hard.

You are my last little baby. And that in itself makes me cherish it even more. Because I know already that it goes so fast. I’m here to soak it in with you. Every bit of your baby-ness. Every bit of your childhood. Every bit of it.

Love you beyond measure, my sweet Aidan.



(I’m taking next week off from writing to be with my family. Hope you all have a wonderful holiday!)

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