The Black Hills 2023: Part I

Coming back from vacation feels like being stuck in a tornado trying to catch up. It’s amazing how you can feel so caught up and like everything is in a good place before you leave, and then return and feel like there are nowhere near enough hours in the day to catch up on all the things that need to be done around the house and for the family.

But, we are back. And I’m slowly catching back up. We had an AMAZING trip to visit my parents in the Black Hills, and thankfully, all kids were healthy for the trip!

We drove up and back in one day. It took us a record (on the long end) 13 hours each way. We kept telling ourselves with that with the boys’ ages this year, this should theoretically be the most difficult year.

I’m going to pepper you with all sorts of pictures of family and the cousins. We had the best time hanging with my sister’s family and Mimi + Papa!

We’re ready for the big trip!

We have very little space in my car with all three rows up for car seats. We bought a rooftop carrier, and I honestly felt like we could fit more in the rooftop carrier than we could when we had the entire back of the car with the third row down. It was definitely the way to go! And I was so thankful that I didn’t come away feeling like we needed a bigger car.

We always stop halfway through the drive and pack a picnic lunch. We eat it at a park and let the boys run around the playground to blow off some energy. Aidan seemed content to be out of the car. 🙂

The other plus about the rooftop carrier was there was an empty seat next to Harrison I could sit in if I needed to help the kids or play with them during the drive. Harrison is a roadtrip warrior.

And we made it!

Our first night in South Dakota was a fast dinner of pizza at our rental cabin and then straight to bed. Slumberpod helping me out with Aidan this trip.

The next morning we ate breakfast, then spent the day recovering for the adults and playing at Mimi + Papa’s for the kids.

This boy was IN LOVE with Papa’s tractor. He’d sneak into the garage to look at it. He’d climb on it if it was out in the driveway. Every morning he woke up, he asked me if he could go ride it.

The happiest little guy to be back at the cabin!

I spent a lot of time feeding this one…

And the big kids enjoyed s’mores by the fire pit!

The next day, we had family pictures suuuuper early. Then took the kids to the rec center for some swimming!

The big kids got to go hunt turkey feathers at Mimi’s…

And played cards during quiet time.

Aidan still enjoying his Mimi’s snuggles…

The next day was the Fourth of July. I stayed back at the cabin with Aidan while the kids and the rest of the adults headed into town for a Fourth of July parade…which there are no pictures of because apparently it poured rain the whole time and all adults and most children were miserable and left early. HA!

After all of the fun that was had those previous two days, it was naps all around for us…

Including our big kid! This is a rarity these days and usually only happens when forced 🙂

The rest of the trip at…some point soon. :). The baby is up and crying – so I’m off to be Mom!

4 thoughts on “The Black Hills 2023: Part I

  1. We have used a roof-top thule for family road trips ever since our boys were little too and it was wonderful to have that extra storage area. It sounds like a wonderful trip so far.

    1. They are so nice! I was so worried about fitting everything but we had plenty of space and then some.

  2. I’m always so intrigued by the roof top carriers. They look so small but people who have them say they hold so much! You’re probably a really good packer. I am not 😆 I’m glad the drive went well! I remember the first time we drove to kc from lex when the kids were 4 months old. 9 hour drive took 12. It got better as they got older. Now, the pack themselves and we can make it in less than 9 and I feel like I will blink and they will help with the drive in a couple of years.

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