I had planned on doing an update on the fall gardens today. How I changed out my planters and added pumpkins for fall. But I didn’t get around to getting all of my garden clean-up and fall planting done. So, instead we’re doing a day in the life of the Lane fam! A random weekday from start to finish.
And right off the bat….I forgot I was planning on documenting this day. But, got up early to head to my work-out class at Bar Method.

Headed back home, and listening to my daily news update from the New York Times.

Proof of work-out complete. Back home and prepping breakfast for the boys before wake-up!

Still half asleep. Sawyer gets fed…

Then it’s time to get the boys up! I wake up Jonathan.

And Harrison gets himself up after his alarm goes off. He is not my morning child….

After helping get the boys dressed and teeth brushed. I head back downstairs to make their breakfast. Currently it’s toast with yogurt. Every single day. Don’t try to change it because they will reject all breakfast food changes, especially if it is not a carb.
And look who rolls himself out of bed to join us… 🙂

Boys are finished with the breakfast, helped their dad unload the dishwasher, and ready to head to school!

Nathan takes the boys for drop-off. And I finish picking outfits for family pictures the upcoming weekend.

Finish getting myself ready, because I actually have to leave the house this particular day. 🙂

Grab mine and Nathan’s laundry to start sorting….

I spend a few minutes reading my daily devotional

And start work in my office!

I answer emails, pull some reports and answer a few questions. I update and check my blog post for the next day mid-morning…

I do some more work, and then come to a break and spend a few minutes meal planning for the upcoming week, and picking out what I’m going to have for lunch meeting a coworker.

Before I leave for lunch, I start our robo-vac…

Fold a load of laundry…

And head out to meet my friend for lunch. Which I take absolutely no pictures of because I forgot I was documenting this day…
Back home, and back at work….

Work, work, work….fold another load of laundry….

Had a few minutes to mix together a pumpkin bread and stick it in the oven….

Then worked a bit more. At the end of the workday, I had a a few minutes to plant up one of my fall planters before picking up the boys.

I picked up the boys from school, and the weather was beautiful outside. We played outside and the neighbor kids came over and played in driveway for an hour before dinner…

Nathan comes home from work, and we heated up leftovers for dinner with Pumpkin Bread!

I cleaned up the kitchen while Nathan gave the boys a bath and changed them into their jammies. After an episode of Bluey, I put each boy to bed.

My big boy.
After putting the boys down, I hop in the shower, and then watch some of the football game with Nathan. “Watch” is a nice word to say that I sat there scrolling instagram because I didn’t care about the game at all.

Then headed to bed around nine to read!

That sounds like a wonderful day in the life! My son (who is 16) literally eats either an everything bagel with cream cheese or a croissant for breakfast each morning without fail… even on vacation. So I know just what you mean when you talk about a creature of habit.
I have to admit, I ate the same breakfast of a bowl of Cheerios for ten years growing up. Maybe the apples didn’t fall from the tree. 🫣
Love day in the life posts! So funny about breakfast. My kids are still that way. I hope to make TJ pumpkin muffins this weekend. Have a great day.
Aren’t we all just creatures of habit? ☺️