A Garden fit for a Shed

Can you tell I had trouble naming this post? Like many creatives, I can see a garden space and my mind immediately starts going to adding dimension, color, texture, and hardscapes. I can see it: the end product, in my mind.

I’m truly the most untalented sketcher to ever exist. I’ve sketched out so many garden landscapes for our home, and tried to show Nathan to get his thoughts, but I’m not sure it really makes much sense. There’s a lot of circles and if there’s feathery texture some lines poking out to give it a fountain look. But truly, my blobs usually don’t translate to people understanding the vision.

Starting this landscaping business, I’ve started to teach myself a landscape tool that can better help people visualize their landscape. And that started with me designing our new garden by the shed.

Here’s what the space looks like now…

And here’s a mock up of my design absent all hand-drawn blobs.

I’m going to focus more heavily in this area on perrenials. Some plants I’m considering include: hardy hibiscus, cone flowers, coreopsis, and yarrow. May throw some annual zinnias in there for some color, and incorporated a planter in front of the shed as well as a window box under the shed window for some annuals color.

We’re planning on installing two raised beds for some actual food growing! Tomatoes for sure. Peppers and maybe some lettuce? Hoping I can find a good spot for some strawberries as well. In the future, I’m hoping to add an arbor that connects the two raised beds – but that’s a future dream.

So tell me, what type of fruits and veggies are you most successful in growing??

2 thoughts on “A Garden fit for a Shed

  1. I have never had any success growing fruits and veggies… but I have tried a few times despite my less than stellar results!

    1. Well sign me up to be in your camp! Here I come mediocre results and a prayer that it makes my boys be more interested in veggies. 🙂

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