A Pregnancy Update: The Final Push

I just wrapped up my Week 34 OB visit. By this point in pregnancy, it feels like I spend more time at the doctor’s office than I do working some weeks. And given that we’re only about six-ish, or less, weeks out and I’ve done virtually no documenting of this pregnancy, I thought we’d do a little update.

Baby is growing so well! Given the area of the baby that our high-risk pregnancy doctors are watching closely, we’ve had growth ultrasounds every four weeks. The baby is measuring each scan around the 60th percentile and a few days days ahead of my due date. While the area they are monitoring hasn’t changed to “totally normal and no need to monitor further,” we’ve done all that we can at this point to understand what the remaining risks are for the baby and what it could potentially look for the baby after delivery. We’ve been able to eliminate completely some of the potential issues through additional testing. But now we wait and see…

Nathan and I are, for the most part, at peace with that. Although it was a road for me to get to a place where I could let it go and just trust God and our doctors.

I’ve had people ask what we are having this time. Annnnd. While we know what we are having, we aren’t sharing this time around. We had to do something different for this very last baby!

As far as readying ourselves to welcome this third little one, I have to admit that I feel very behind. We have moved the boys’ playroom from the remainder upstairs unused bedroom down to the basement. And we’ll use the former playroom as this little one’s nursery. And aside from that, I’ve done nothing to the room. I’m anxiously awaiting the painter to come and paint for me so I can start final prep of the room!

Then there’s the old question of how do I feel. I feel like I’m ready to be done with pregnancy. While I can caveat this with disclaimers that I’m absolutely so thankful that my body allows me to be pregnant, and that we have been really blessed to not struggle with conceiving, etc. I am ready to move to the next phase of life of raising our kids. My body certainly feels every bit of this third pregnancy. The aches and pains, the insomnia, the heartburn, the general discomfort from having feet kicking my ribs, the baby hiccups that always seem to happen when I lay down to go to sleep at night. I am very ready to have my body back to myself for forever.

And now we wait, and hope that the scans of this little one continue to be good. And hopefully get a nursery pulled together before it arrives! I feel all of the excitement and nervousness that comes as the end nears.

8 thoughts on “A Pregnancy Update: The Final Push

  1. Oh I remember those feelings of just wanting to be DONE with being pregnant! Those last few weeks always seemed to drag by with lots of uncomfortable sensations. LOL. Good luck getting the room ready and I’ll continue praying all turns out well with your newest little one!

  2. I loved reading this post and feeling your peace. Your gratitude and beauty throughout all your pregnancies has been simply beautiful. Beyond excited to meet this newest addition to your precious family.

  3. I remember that feeling about being done, and I only had two children. My husband I’m sure would have liked a third child but I could just not do it again! Home stretch now, can’t wait to see how the nursery turns out and if you’ll have a girl or boy.

    1. The finish line is in sight! I think if I could just live in the second trimester feelings for the whole pregnancy, maybe I’d feel differently about being done, done, done.

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