Category: Lifestyle

Friday Favorites {03.12.21}

I just realized that Harrison’s birthday is a month away tomorrow. How?? And also, every other year, I have a party theme picked out, invitations picked out and ready to be sent, and probably all of the decorations for the party purchased, too. Last year, COVID came in with one big wallup and there was no birthday party for the invitations I had sent. That two week quarantine to slow the spread turned into a year. Do you ever think about what if you knew then what you know now? Wow.

We’re still not planning a big party for Harrison. I’m hoping we can do a belated third birthday party in the summer when everybody is vaccinated, so he can run and play with his whole family.

In case you were on the fence like I was about spending thirty bucks for a little tub of CREAM, let me save you some time. The reviews are true. The raving about this product is all true. Harrison has struggled for forever with eczema, and while we generally can keep it under control with daily preventative maintenance, when Jonathan started having trouble with baby acne and severe dryness on his cheeks, I finally bit the bullet and bought the thirty dollar tub of cream. After two days, and Jonathan’s skin was crystal clear and hydrated, I wished I hadn’t waited TWO YEARS to buy it. Sometimes I wish I wasn’t so cheap…

If you’re also one of those people who can’t stand to pay for shipping, and must reach the minimum order size to not pay for shipping, I also bought their hair shampoo and Dream Cream. Both without fragrance because of Harrison’s super sensitive skin. Here’s a 10% off code if you’ve been on the fence trying it!

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Friday Favorites {03.05.21}

I’ve ghosted more than I like over the past few weeks, and I’m sorry. I have the best intentions of getting up early to write or writing on the weekends, and then I end up choosing a work-out or sleep, or work before writing. My client for work is soooo close to the finish line, though. One more week to go, and I’m committed, as in I’ve actually written or started writing, all of my posts for next week. So, it’s going to happen.

While the week was busy with endless hours of work, I’m looking forward to the weekend. We’ll be spending a lot of time outside, getting the grill out for the first time this season, and spending the morning at the zoo with the cousins on Saturday.

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Friday Favorites {02.26.21}

This has been a week. Work has been crazy busy. Jonathan had three different doctor appointments this week, which meant even less time to get work done during the day, and I’m feeling so exhausted emotionally and physically from the past few months. I have my eyes set on a couple of weeks from now when my super busy work will be done, though. And spring starting to peak around the corner has me itching for a reprieve from the long hours, and for more time to spend outside with the boys.

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Friday Favorites {01.22.21}

It’s been a crazy week at the Lane house. Baby J and I have been running from one doctor appointment to the next, all while trying to juggle a busy time at work. I’m thankful for some rest this upcoming weekend, the promise of good take-out to celebrate my birthday with my boys, and Chiefs football on Sunday (hopefully with our main QB!). Happy Friday, friends!

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Friday Favorites {01.15.21}

I’m not sure where this week went. I’ve been stealing away as many minutes as I can rocking my sweet baby J to sleep in the evenings. Harrison has taken a liking to a game he calls “car crash,” which involves pushing matchbox cars into a big “car crash” pile. Everyone has settled into a new routine getting out the door in the morning, and playing and having dinner together at night. It’s kind of almost felt…dare I say…normal…? (Whaaaat? What’s normal in a pandemic world???). Anyways, happy Friday friends!

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Friday Favorites {01.08.21}

I just had to go back and re-type that date. 2021. Wow. You ever have one of the moments that you remember back when you were really young and you’d calculate how old you’d be in certain years, and thought to yourself, “WOW. I’m going to be SO old then.” I feel like that every new year. We’re a few weeks out from my 36th birthday. The US is a complete s*** show (sorry, not sorry. Call it like I see it). I just finished my first week back at work after my maternity leave. And the pandemic didn’t magically go away when the clock struck midnight on December 31. Which is a serious bummer. When does it all end?

Ugh. My heart is so heavy after what happened this week. Just when it feels like it can’t get heavier, something more unbelievable happens. And I think it’s an injustice to our nation and our fellow Americans to not say something when you see wrong in this world. So here I am saying that what is happening in our country is wrong. Enough is enough. And as much as I see influencers and brands saying that they just want to be a happy place and post pretty, inspiring pictures, there is a point where you must stand up and speak. Your. Voice. Matters. Every last single small voice matters.

On a lighter note, happy Friday. Let’s do these favorites.

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Friday Favorites {12.18.20}

It’s the Friday before Christmas! Does it feel like Christmas is only a week away to everyone? I keep thinking that I have at least a couple more weeks.

There are few things that can stress me out at the pure thought of them than baking. The thought of baking with Harrison, and I can already feel myself start to sweat. (That doesn’t mean that I don’t do it every once in awhile! I want both of my boys to grow up with memories of baking cookies and breads together. Not to mention, who can deny that there’s anything better than having fresh chocolate chip cookies around?). However, I’m always grateful when my MIL brings over a plate of Christmas cookies because she is an AMAZING baker, and we are very willing and happy consumers. 😜

Do you have a baking day for Christmas cookies?

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Friday Favorites {12.04.20}

Remember back in March when the world shut down, we all thought for sure we’d be through this pandemic in a few a weeks? Maybe a month. And all of the germ experts were like….you all have no idea. Buckle up. This thing is likely coming back for a second wave in the fall and winter. And that seemed so impossible and so far away?? And here we are in December. Still in a pandemic. CRAZY. We’ve been through almost an entire year living in a pandemic. It seems like the end is in sight, though. There’s hope that we don’t have another year of this, at least. And I am READY to be able to see my family again.

I’ve got a whole host of FAMILY stuff today. What’s this blog without Jonathan and Harrison pictures? A little bit of style and one of my FAVORITE sales of the year. And just some randomness. Have a wonderful weekend, friends!

Watching these little guys together over the holiday weekend was the best. Four days of Harrison giving hugs to his brother, trying to make him laugh, and fetching his lovie for him when he cried. I love being their mom.

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Friday Favorites {10.23.20}

Happy Friday! I woke up earlier this week realizing that I only have a couple more months of leave left with my sweet little one. And somehow, this leave of absence from work has felt lightning fast compared to my leave with Harrison. I treasure every moment with my boys.

Sometimes a cute new mug can brighten the beginning of any day. Right? Especially when filled with piping hot autumn blend coffee. 😊

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