Well just when I think we may be out of the sickness woods of the winter of 2022, I’m proven wrong again. We have one kid home sick with the flu, and the whole family is on tamiflu. Ah! When will the sickness this year end?!
We’ll be focused on getting our little guy better and hopefully having some fun along the way this weekend. Hope you guys have a great weekend!

In the middle of last week, I surprised Harrison at school before lunch, and we played hooky for the rest of the day going to a Royals baseball game together. Since Jonathan was born, the amount of time I’ve gotten to spend one-on-one with Harrison has gone down significantly. I love having both of the boys, and doing things with them, but it’s so interesting how the dynamics change when you get to focus on just one kid at a time.
Many years ago, like pre-kids, I read a fellow blogger doing a skip day with each of their kids, and I’ve held on to that idea for YEARS thinking I wanted to do the same thing when the time came around. It was the best time to just focus on my big, little man for an afternoon.