Category: Lifestyle

Friday Favorites {04.29.22}

Well just when I think we may be out of the sickness woods of the winter of 2022, I’m proven wrong again. We have one kid home sick with the flu, and the whole family is on tamiflu. Ah! When will the sickness this year end?!

We’ll be focused on getting our little guy better and hopefully having some fun along the way this weekend. Hope you guys have a great weekend!

In the middle of last week, I surprised Harrison at school before lunch, and we played hooky for the rest of the day going to a Royals baseball game together. Since Jonathan was born, the amount of time I’ve gotten to spend one-on-one with Harrison has gone down significantly. I love having both of the boys, and doing things with them, but it’s so interesting how the dynamics change when you get to focus on just one kid at a time.

Many years ago, like pre-kids, I read a fellow blogger doing a skip day with each of their kids, and I’ve held on to that idea for YEARS thinking I wanted to do the same thing when the time came around. It was the best time to just focus on my big, little man for an afternoon.

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A Day in the Life: Weekend Edition!

Are you as interested in Day in the Life posts as I am? There’s something about getting a peak into someone’s everyday life that satisfies the same piece of me that adores reality TV. (Yes….I know reality TV isn’t actually real. But I love it all the same.) So how about I take you along for a typical spring Saturday with the Lanes?

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Friday Favorites {04.15.22}

Happy Friday, friends! I’m excited for the weekend. We’re celebrating as a family Harrison’s birthday tonight, and the boys are home with me today because their daycare is closed for in-service training. I’m looking forward to an extra day of putting my Mom hat on, doing some fun things with the boys, and getting ready for Easter this weekend!

I have a whole bunch of super random favorites today! A new purse, baby shower details from a few weekends ago, and, of course, things that I saved from Instagram this week that made me smile or laugh. Happy Easter to those of you who celebrate, and have a great weekend!

I picked up a few things during Madewell’s spring sale. One of which was this new crossbody purse. I love the magnetic snap closure on top, and we all know that crossbody is a must with littles so all hands are free to juggle kid stuff!

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March 2022 Book Review

In March, my kids went to school most days, life was mostly normal, and the weather started to get nicer, which meant I took more opportunities to pop in my AirPods and go for an afternoon walk…and listen to books. I read three books in March…

And my goodness. They were all GOOD. In fact, if at least one of these doesn’t show up on my top three books of the year this year, I’ll be surprised.

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Friday Favorites {03.18.21}

Happy Friday, friends! We’ve been surviving with Nathan gone most of this week, but he comes back tomorrow! And I’m so excited to have my guy back. Life is just better and easier with him.

I’ve got a hodgepodge of favorites this week. My favorite self-tanner, some BIG NEWS on the house front, a cute new spring dress, and of course, pictures of my babies. This wouldn’t be the Lane blog without pictures of the Lane boys! Hope you have a good weekend!

Last Sunday, the gray cold winter finally went away, and we spent all of the time outside! It’s always amazing to me how my attitude changes when I can spend some time outside, and when the boys can run around and play ball, go on walks, and explore outside. Yay for spring!

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Friday Favorites {03.11.22}

I’ve got my fingers crossed that this Saturday is our last super cold day of this season. I’m eager to get back outside with the boys and go on walks, go to the zoo, and all of those other fun activities we’ve missed this winter!

We had such a great week. It started off going back to in-person church for the first time in almost two years. Harrison was so pleased to be dressed up ”handsome,” and several kind ladies at church commented on his cute-ness, which sent him into the ultimate combination of shy-ness and admiration, and it’s ending with a little self-care for myself. I’m going to get a massage to start the weekend off right!

If I decorate for spring, it will surely come to stay. It was time to put away my ’winter’ decor, and refresh with faux stems, colorful accents, and a new spring doormat. I picked up this one from my local garden nursery, but there’s a similar one HERE.

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Friday Favorites {03.04.22}

Work was busier this week than it’s been the last few, but getting outside for a walk a couple times this week in the beautiful weather really made it all seem very bearable! Nathan and I finished the Yellowstone prequel mini-series, 1883, this week. It was really good! And we’re already looking forward to the next mini-series they are doing about the Duttons. The boys had a great week, too. Playing outside after daycare with neighbors made everyone happier, and more eager to welcome in spring. I’ve gathered up some of my favorites from this week. I hope you all have a great weekend!

Let me tell you a story about our oldest. Nathan got home late from work one evening last week, and while he was having some dinner, I entertained the boys playing hide and seek. Harrison tends to hide in the same places over and over again, so I didn’t pay much attention as he ran off in the direction of our bedroom to hide as I started to count.

And then Baby J and I started “seeking”…all the normal spots. Still seeking, still playing along. At some point, Nathan finished his dinner, and says, “you can’t find Harrison?”

After ten minutes, no. I still couldn’t find Harrison anywhere. Nathan couldn’t find Harrison anywhere. Finally, out of desperation and it being way past bath time, I said, “Harrison. I can’t find you. Come out and I’ll give you a Reese’s.”

And a little voice from our bedroom yelled, “I can’t get out! I’m stuck! But I still want a Reese’s!” We ran in there and found him in the bottom drawer of my dresser, smiling so pleased with himself.

“That was a good hiding place, right?”

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Friday Favorites {02.25.22}

The world feels heavy again today. I find myself going from shocked and disbelief at what is happening in Ukraine. I think often about how scary it must be to be there right now. To one day be going about your every day business, and the next to be living in fear. It’s heart breaking. Maddening. And just wrong. I pray for the world’s response now.

I had written these Friday Favorites earlier this week. Before all of the madness happening in eastern Europe started. I do want to share them, as they have brought me joy this past week. But it felt wrong to not speak to the immeasurable pain happening now in Ukraine, and how helpless and sad it’s making me feel today.

Have a good weekend, friends. Hopefully one that looks a bit brighter than things do right now.

We celebrated two birthdays in our family last weekend: Nathan’s and my mom’s. The boys looooove birthdays. The singing, the cake, the presents that they rip open to help. What’s not to like??

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January & February Book Review

You want to know the last time I reviewed books I had read? November. Life happened, and in December, I didn’t feel like I had read much so didn’t have much to review. January we lived in a state of illness and school closings. And here we are at the end of February! And I finally have some books to tell you about!

My friend Jen at Show Me + Sweet Tea always uses book descriptions from Goodreads in her book reviews, and I love that idea! That gives you a much better idea of what the book is about, so I’m going to jump on that bandwagon.

Way back in December, I read The Bullish Case for Bitcoin.

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