Category: Our Life

What’s Up Wednesday {10.30.19}

We’ve had the best October! We’ve done ALL the fall things. Not to mention enjoying the outside cooler temps – cooking out, playing outside in the yard, having the windows open. Those are my absolute favorite days.

I’m linking up with Shay and Sheaffer to share with you what’s going on in our life lately!


Nathan is traveling most of this week, so I’ve kept dinners easy for Harrison and myself

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Friday Favorites {10.25.19}

I love that Friday Favorites is a little recap at the end of the week. It’s almost a practice in gratitude and finding happiness and joy in the things that bring a smile to your week. Some weeks, I have more favorites than I could ever possibly share, and other weeks, I really have to think long and hard about what made this life wonderful. But that’s what it’s all about, right? Ebbs and flows. But finding gratitude always.

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The Lanes Lately: Pumpkin Patchin’

I could sing the praises of October from here until Sunday. I always forget leading up to it how much I love October. The cooler weather it brings beckons our family outside. We live our best lives when we’re outside. We went to the pumpkin patch this past weekend. We didn’t just skimp and only hit up one pumpkin patch, but TWO in one weekend. Because, why not? Seeing Harrison have so much fun running around on Kansas (or Missouri) farmland, Loving all the rocks, sticks, and corn, and finding a pumpkin that’s bigger than he is and trying to pick it up. Well, it just fills my whole heart with joy. As simple as that.

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A Trip to the Cider Mill

It was a Sunday afternoon, and Nathan had already left for the airport for work travel the coming week. It rained the better part of the weekend, but the afternoon finally opened up to give way to heat and humidity, and Harrison and I needed to get out of the house. We headed way out south to Louisburg Cider Mill for some outside exploring and apple cider.

Nathan and I would come here on day dates in the fall many years ago. Getting to watch the apples being peeled and pressed into apple cider, sitting on the lawn listening to a bluegrass band playing on the stage. It’s a simpler life out in the country, and one that I yearn for when fall comes around. Read more

The Words I Wish I’d Stop Saying

The other day, I caught myself saying it again. It just comes tumbling out of my mouth before my brain can even process what I’m saying. It’s so habitual…and I’m pretty sure I’ve been saying it for as long as I can remember. I am constantly apologizing for existing in the same space as someone else.

Let me explain…

I round a corner at work, and someone is walking in the opposite direction. I apologize.

I’m washing a dish in the work kitchen, and someone comes up and is waiting for the sink. I apologize.

I go to open a door and someone is on the other side wanting to walk in. I apologize.

Now I’m not saying that apologies shouldn’t happen. BECAUSE THEY ABSOLUTELY SHOULD. I think if more people could be good at apologizing, the world would be a better, kinder place.

What I’m saying is why am I apologizing for my existence in a particular space. Especially when I haven’t done anything wrong? Maybe “excuse me” would be a more appropriate thing to say in these situations. But “I’m sorry” just seems wrong. I’m not sorry for existing.

I’m not sorry for trying to open a door that you are on the other side of from me. I’m not sorry for having walked slightly in the same direction as you. Somebody start holding me accountable. Ok, blog. You can hold me accountable.

What’s Up Wednesday {09.25.19}

My sister and I just got back from our trip to Charleston – one of my favorite cities in the US! I’ll blog more about that soon. We’re back to work today, and back into normal everyday life. I’ll miss the cocktails, amazing food, and shopping, but I sure am happy to be back home with my boys.

I’m linking up with Shay and Sheaffer to share with you what’s going on in our life lately!


The boys were on their own the first couple of days, but here’s what I have planned for the rest of the week:

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Fall House Tour

It’s my third installment in all things FALL! And today is a VERY important day too. It’s our Sawyer girl’s birthday! She’s 5 years old today! We’re going to celebrate with a special treat and extra pets and hugs from the family. Maybe even a round of fetch outside. But I wanted to share our next installment in all things fall!

First, I shared our family’s Fall Bucket List.

Last week, I shared my go-to fall transitional clothing.

This week, I wanted to share a house tour of our house decked out for fall! There is nothing that makes me feel more ready for fall than a house with fall decorations, a fall candle burning, and snuggling underneath a warm blanket in the evening.

Most of our fall decorations have been accumulated from a variety of stores and boutiques throughout the years. Anything that’s still in stock, though, I’ll link below:

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What’s Your Enneagram Personality?

I’ve been seeing it all over social media accounts that I follow. I’ve been hearing about it from Podcasts I regularly listen to. I’ve wondered what it means when people hashtag 3×5. What is this enneagram thing? And is there anything to be gained from it?

Enneagram Overview

I’m going to give you the most simplistic version of what an enneagram is ever. I’m not an expert, and there are LOADS of people out there that are and have spent considerable amount of time developing content around enneagrams, so if you have a true interest in delving more into this topic, I’d take to the internets. 🙂 But, the way that I understand it is that enneagrams are just another personality type. There are nine different enneagrams, aptly labeled 1 through 9. Most people fit into a dominant personality type with sub-personality types, thus the 3×6 or 5×4 classification.

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