Category: Our Life

Let’s Look At…Your Calendar

It’s one of my favorite days of the month! It’s “Let’s Look At” day with Shay and Erika  , and I LOVE reading through these links getting a glimpse into your lives! Today we’re looking at calendars!

And today we’re looking at Calendars!

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Our Fall Bucket List

Pumpkins, chili on the stove simmering all day. Cozy sweaters and warm blankets. The constant drone of football on the TV, and the scent of vanilla and cinnamon in the air. Oh fall, you can be such a wonderful and magical time of year to cozy up and enjoy family.

I truly love fall. A lot of wonderful things have happened in our lives during the fall – Nathan and I get engaged in the fall, and married in the fall. I have wonderful memories of when Nathan and I first started dating doing fall time activities, and I love the coziness of autumn.

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A Wish for the Cousins…

If you follow along here, or on Instagram, you’ll notice another little blondie that shows up in MANY of our adventures around this house.

This little girl:

This is “Cousin Evie” as we call her around this house. Everly is my sister and brother-in-law’s daughter. She is a little more than a year older than Harrison, and they live in a suburb of Kansas City about 30 minutes from us. Evie is Harrison’s only cousin right now.

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Stain Treating 101

Stain Treating 101

There comes a point in your life when you feel like you’ve done something so many times, that you must be considered an expert by this point.  I had this realization the other day when Harrison’s daycare sent me a picture of him creating a masterpiece art project using a pinecone as a brush, and he was covered from head to toe in purple paint.  Clothes still on – purple paint.  And I didn’t even have a moment of panic about how the clothes were likely ruined, as I looked at the intense concentration of my son’s face creating said masterpiece.

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What’s Up Wednesday {08.28.19}

I’m not sure where this month went. We’ve been enjoying the last little bits of summer, and prepping for a trip up to my parents’ cabin over Labor Day! Today, I’m linking up with Shay and Sheaffer to share with you what’s going on in the Lane’s life.


Nathan’s traveling for work again this week, and we’re getting ready to leave on our roadtrip up to South Dakota to visit my parents, so I’m going to be keeping this week sooooo easy. Like “hello prepared food section” of the grocery store. So, if you’re looking for a little inspiration, I’ll share last week’s meal plan 🙂

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One of the Most Important Things I Do For My Mental Health

One of the Most Important Things I Do For My Mental Health

Meditation: the very basics

Some of you saw the title of this blog post and rolled your eyes. I get it. I’ve totally been there too. “Another person trying to convince me how good meditation is for you. Sorry – not interested. It’s so weird – and voodoo” – you think. Hang with me here.

Some of you saw the title of this blog post, and were like, “YES! Meditation is LIFE CHANGING!!!” And for you all, hang in there with me too.

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All About the College Years

I started writing these “All About” series to help you, friends, get to know me. I’m new to the blogging world. And you can’t really invest in a new friend without getting to know them. So it only seemed appropriate to give you all some background on some big impactful things in my life. Last month, I wrote about HOW NATHAN AND I MET. This month, I’m writing about where I went to college.

I spent the best four years of my life growing up and developing my adult self at a little liberal arts school called Hope College in Holland, Michigan.

I’m willing to bet that a vast majority of you have never heard of Hope. The next question that I usually get asked is how I ended up at Hope.

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THE Patio Tour

THE Patio Tour

Three years in the making. That’s how long Nathan has been working on the patio. Our backyard started with a screened in porch and a tiny semi-circle patio right off the porch. And now, we have an entire additional outdoor ROOM to enjoy.

I just want to take a minute to brag on my guy. Ya’ll. He designed this patio expansion – the whole thing, which is impressive as is. And THEN, he (with the help of his dad) BUILT 85% of it. What happened with the last 15%, you ask? Harrison Thomas Lane entered our life, and somehow, there was no such thing as free time anymore. Free time. What’s that again?

But first, the before pictures:

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What’s Up Wednesday {07.31.19}

What’s Up Wednesday {07.31.19}

You all. It’s my first What’s Up Wednesday! I’m linking up with Shay and Sheaffer to share with you what’s going on in the Lane’s life.

I’m so excited! This is part of the reason I wanted to start this blog – to have a way to capture and hold on to memories of Harrison growing up, and a way to look back years from now and remember what our lives were like when we had a one year old. Ok – so here we go:

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A Toddler’s Schedule

Hi. I’m Lauren. And I thrive on having a schedule.

Having a baby meant having literally no idea how to structure time anymore. My life was not my own. My body was not my own. I was LOST.

This makes me laugh so hard now. But this is so, so true. And I just want you to know right now, YOU, mama of a newborn, so tired and trying so, so hard to figure it all out? You are not alone. And things do get better. I promise. Here’s the thing….

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