Category: Our Life

What’s Up Wednesday {06.28.23}

I haven’t done a What’s Up Wednesday since February. I was literally working on this post the day that I went into labor with Aidan….and it never got posted. So I’m particularly excited to share a bit of what’s been going on in our lives lately!

As always, I’m linking up with Shay and Sheaffer to share with you what’s going on in our life!

1: WHAT WE’RE EATING THIS WEEK: I’m making two of our favorite Half Baked Harvest recipes. One is the Lemon Butter Chicken Piccata. I serve it with mashed potatoes or rice depending on what I have on hand. The other is the Sun-Dried Tomato Pasta with Whipped Ricotta. I add a a protein like shredded chicken or crumbled Italian sausage to boost the fullness of it.


Baby J a year ago in my Timehop is killing me lately. Just mind blowing how his language has increased 10 fold from a year ago. And all of the cute things he would say to us this time a year ago.

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What’s Up Wednesday {02.22.23}

My favorite post of the month! Truthfully, the last Wednesday of the month came fast this month. If felt like I was just writing January’s version of this post!

As always, I’m linking up with Shay and Sheaffer to share with you what’s going on in our life!

1: WHAT WE’RE EATING THIS WEEK: This week we’re going to have potato soup and homemade soft pretzels chicken fajitas.


Being so close to welcoming this new baby has me reminiscing about this sweet little COVID baby. Baby J had the loudest cry ever from the moment he was born. But was the absolute best snuggler. I’ve said it before that this birth and post-partum was not what I had ever envisioned, but this little guy healed my heart during a time that the world just felt so lonely and broken. Forever grateful for him.

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Valentine’s Day With Kids

It was January. I was exhausted from work, and I started thinking of all the things I needed to plan and have organized for the next few months coming up. One of those being Valentine’s Day. And I started to feel a little resentful because I feel like the last few years I keep seeing more and more ideas of gifts for kids on Valentine’s Day. As though the expectation was shifting that I now had to be prepared to gift them a Valentine’s basket and needed one more holiday to have to buy for and put together.

That’s silly, isn’t it…the way we’re able to compare ourselves to some other’s standard of parenting and motherhood.

So I talked myself out of the need to buy my kids a full blown basket of gifts that would invariably end up broken or not played with. And instead, I’m going simple.

They’re going to get a special breakfast of pancakes with red sprinkles. Sprinkles make everything festive, and little treat bags of X’s and O’s Gummies from their mommy & daddy.

For Valentine’s for school this year, they are taking individually wrapped goldfish snack bags. I made this design to add to the front of them, and printed them on sticker paper.

And our family tradition has always been to make homemade pizzas for Valentine’s Day dinner. Nathan and I have done that for years pre-kids and it’s all the more fun with the kids! Although I do have to buy an extra bag of cheese because the boys do a lot of “taste testing.”

I hope your Valentine’s day is fun, and you’re reminded how much you’re loved!

How I Plan Blog Posts

I started this blog three years ago. I had a one year old, a full time crazy demanding job, but I felt like I was missing out on remembering all of the things that I didn’t want to forget about motherhood and raising Harrison. It was born out of wanting to have a creative outlet that was just mine, and encouraged me to write about the things that I cared about or found interesting. And while I couldn’t tell you the first thing about monetizing blogs, I have learned a few things that have worked for me when planning posts.

-1- I try to post regularly and on a schedule. I found that Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday posts worked best for me and my work schedule. Do I sometimes miss a day? Or even a whole week when I’m feeling uninspired? Yeah. But for the most part, I try for three posts a week that are scheduled to post super early in the morning, for all of the morning blog readers. I know you’re out there 🙂

-2- Once a month, I plan blog post topics for the upcoming month. I have an Outlook calendar just for my blog posts, and I add my blog post topic for the day to the calendar. There are certain days that I join link-ups, which I set as recurring calendar events. And then I always look at the month ahead and note any special posts I want to do that could be tied to a special event. I tend to do letters to my kids posts around their birthdays, and 7 Quick Takes twice a year per kid at least usually around the birthdays and half birthdays. I do something “marriage” related around our anniversary…you get the picture.

-3- I work on the rough outline of posts a week in advance of them posting. I’ll write a rough draft of the posts for the topics I have coming up the upcoming week. Then I’ll go back and edit, re-write, and add pictures before they get scheduled to go live on the blog. If I need particular pictures for a post that I haven’t taken, I’ll add it as a reminder in my phone for the next time I’m most likely doing that activity.

-4- When I can’t think of any topics to cover in a blog post, I usually look back at the previous years around the same timeframe to see if there’s a thematic post that I could build on or refresh for the current year. Or I use other bloggers for inspiration. There are so many great prompts and topics! I’ve also found that Storyworth, which I had a subscription to and was sort of the jumping off point of wanting to start a blog, has great ideas for posts as well.

-5- While I generally stick to my topic planning calendar, there are times when something pops up that I want to write about in a more timely fashion. I just move the other idea to later in the month or even the following month.

Friday Favorites {02.03.23}

Well, old Punxsutawney Phil didn’t do us any favors yesterday by predicting six more weeks of winter. I don’t know that anyone puts much stock in whether a groundhog sees his shadow or not, but there is something about it that makes me ever so slightly bummed when it seems like every year he predicts more winter. It’s a thought of, “What if this groundhog really DOES know what’s in store for the next six weeks?” Similar to those email chains you’d get in the 2000’s. ‘Send this 20 people or bad luck for a year! ‘ Did I forward that email to twenty people every time? I sure did. Didn’t want to take any chances just in case it was legit.

But I digress…here are some of my favorites from the past (few) weeks! Happy Friday, friends!

A couple weeks ago, we packed our children up and sent them off to their Gigi and Pops for the most magical, relaxing 24 hours by ourselves I feel like I’ve ever experienced. Ha! It’s been over three years since we’ve been sans kids by ourselves overnight. Jonathan had never spent a night away from us. And oh my goodness…those 24 hours felt life-giving.

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What’s Up Wednesday {01.25.23}

Last week at work kicked my booty. And this week has been no walk in the park either. This January has flown by, and I’m not really sure that we’ve done much of anything but here’s a little peek at our January…

As always, I’m linking up with Shay and Sheaffer to share with you what’s going on in our life!

1: WHAT WE’RE EATING THIS WEEK: My parents brought me over a smoked pot roast that I’m planning on slow cooking this week as an easy meal. Such a huge help with how busy work has been the last couple of weeks. And later in the week, we’re going to do some homemade burrito bowls with carnitas, rice, and black beans.


Kids grow up so fast. We all know that. The pictures and videos, though, of Jonathan a year ago at 1.5 versus the little boy in front of me at 2.5 is just wild how much they grow in that year. The way he talks now, understands things and tells us things about his day. It’s just so hard to believe that a year ago we were getting none of that!

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Today’s my 38th birthday. I’m not much of a birthday person. I really just want a special dinner with my family and some flowers. That’s really all I need. I’ve always been a smaller, more intimate gathering is preferred over any big party or to-do made over something.

So today I’m gifting myself a prenatal massage. Heading to dinner with guy. And enjoying some dessert!

Hope you guys have a great Friday!

Let’s Look…At Scheduling/Organizing Our Family

I wanted to say first of all, thank you for the kind words on Friday’s post. I went back and read your comments, and gosh. You guys. They really lifted my spirits, and just meant so much to me.

I do my best to post my authentic self here, good and bad. But how raw and scary these last few weeks have been for me, I considered keeping those words in Friday’s post to myself. I’m mentally in a much better place than when I wrote those words. Writing, prayer, and working through a plan are the ways I work through things, and I feel at least at peace with where we are right now. As Nathan reminds me often, we will get through it. Whatever it ends up being, we will figure it out. What’s that saying about how your batting average of getting through hard things so far is 100%?

Now, onto the lighter side of life. I missed Let’s Look last week for Shay and Erika’s monthly link-up! They looked at scheduling and organizing the family, which is truly something I kind of enjoy. I love figuring out the pieces of how to make things work. (I may regret saying that when the kids are older and have many activities, school events, etc.!). Right now, it’s truthfully pretty simple for us. But I love a schedule and order to things.

Harrison is involved in at most two activities in a season, and Jonathan will likely start a couple of activities in the spring. But in the scheme of juggling schedules and organizing families, we’re still in the minor leagues. :). But I’m going to share what works for me to try to organize our family.

I Live by my Calendar. If it’s not on my calendar, I will not remember it. It does not exist. And you do not have priority for doing that activity or event. It rules everything. I went on a journey loooong ago attempting to find the perfect family calendar. I’ve asked so many friends what they do for their “shared” calendar, and I usually get one of two options and I don’t like either. They use the Cozi app family calendar. Or they have a shared Apple calendar on their iPhones/iPads that they add all family events to.

You guys, I didn’t like either. I wanted one master calendar of ALL MY THINGS, including work. My job uses Microsoft Outlook for their calendar, and Microsoft Outlook does not sync with any of those options, so you’re left with adding things multiple times to calendars – once to your Outlook calendar and once to your family calendar, if you want a whole picture of your day/week/month. Or flipping between two calendars to determine what’s going on in your life.

I would love for someone to make a feature that would allow me to select in Outlook if an event should be transferred to a family calendar, and then it would magically show up on a joint calendar, but I could still have everything on my one personal calendar. PLEASE SOMEONE MAKE THIS or tell me it if already exists!

What worked for us, since both my work and Nathan’s work uses Outlook is that we send each other event invites from our work calendars for any family events, date nights, or even personal social events that we have that the other will have to cover on little boy duty. That way we each have our own calendars with everything on it for our day.

Is mine color coded by family member for each person’s event? Yes. Of course. What kind of Type A organizer do you think I am? 🙂

I use Apple Reminders a lot on my phone. I set reminders on my phone to help make sure I have all the boxes checked for myself and the kids. I set recurring weekly reminders to wash the kids’ waterbottles from school and switch our their lovies to clean ones. I set reminders for myself if there are appointments I need to schedule, or check in on a friend that has a big doctor appointment or event coming up.

I set YEARLY reminders to check my smoke detector batteries, schedule the dog’s annual well visit. I even have reminders set for things like dealing with a particular garden pest that comes out at certain of year, so I know when to start looking for the bug and dealing with it.

I Meal Plan + Grocery Shop once a week. I know so many of you meal plan. I put on my calendar every single week thirty minutes every Thursday to sit down and meal plan for the next week. I look at our upcoming week’s calendar, nights that we have events, and then I plan accordingly. A super busy week at work for me looks like leaning more heavily on easy meals. Pulling meals I’ve stored in the freezer. Opting for pasta and meat sauce from a can. Crockpot meals, etc.

I Purge Things Often. I am constantly editing our house. By that, I mean, I often times open a drawer and get rid of all of the things that we don’t use anymore. I hold on to very little that I don’t use. I go through the boys’ backpacks weekly and pitch most of the things that come home. And the playroom in particular is edited often. Mostly to rid it of what seems to be a never-ending pit of broken toys.

Those are the things that come to mind when I think about organizing our family!

Praying for Your People

Every Christmas, I look forward to the Christmas cards that flood our otherwise junk mail and bill filled mailbox. The smiling faces and life updates from families that have impacted our lives some since childhood and otherwise more recently just bring me an immense amount of joy. I started years back, though, my very favorite tradition of all around the New Year.

As I pack up Christmas, I take the Christmas cards off of our walls and put them in a stack. Then one quiet morning, I take my stack of cards with a cup of coffee and go through and hold each one in my hands again. I read the card. Look at the smiling faces. And I pray for each family one by one.

Usually my prayer consists of thanking God for bringing them into our lives and the way they have enriched and impacted our lives. I pray for their upcoming year that it might be filled with joy, good health, and wonder. I pray for the struggles they have shared with us and those that they have carried silently by themselves. And I end the prayer asking that God help us with helping to remind them how important they are in this world and our lives. That they might know they are loved today and evermore.

It usually takes me a couple of mornings to get through all of the cards. And I’ll admit, as I pour myself a coffee to start on this year’s stack, I’m a little farther behind this year than I was in year’s past. But it’s a wonderful habit to add to your new year. And I find that it just lifts my soul in ways that new year’s resolutions, word of the year, and intentions ever do.