Friday Favorites {02.03.23}

Well, old Punxsutawney Phil didn’t do us any favors yesterday by predicting six more weeks of winter. I don’t know that anyone puts much stock in whether a groundhog sees his shadow or not, but there is something about it that makes me ever so slightly bummed when it seems like every year he predicts more winter. It’s a thought of, “What if this groundhog really DOES know what’s in store for the next six weeks?” Similar to those email chains you’d get in the 2000’s. ‘Send this 20 people or bad luck for a year! ‘ Did I forward that email to twenty people every time? I sure did. Didn’t want to take any chances just in case it was legit.

But I digress…here are some of my favorites from the past (few) weeks! Happy Friday, friends!

A couple weeks ago, we packed our children up and sent them off to their Gigi and Pops for the most magical, relaxing 24 hours by ourselves I feel like I’ve ever experienced. Ha! It’s been over three years since we’ve been sans kids by ourselves overnight. Jonathan had never spent a night away from us. And oh my goodness…those 24 hours felt life-giving.

Nathan and I went to dinner for my birthday, watched a TV show we wanted, got up in the morning and laid in bed because nobody was asking what was for breakfast or if they could watch Bluey. I love those little boys, but 24 hours by myself was <chef’s kiss.>. Thank you, Gigi and Pops!

Trying to soak in every last bit of this one being my baby. Including rocking him to sleep at naptime. He’s my cuddler, and I know the days of rocking to sleep are quickly approaching an end especially as we get ready to transition him to a big boy bed. These moments with him on the weekend are always amongst some of my favorites.

AHHHHH!!!! My Chiefs are going to the SUPERBOWL!!! And much to my husband’s Denver Broncos loving chagrin….his oldest, sports loving son will get to experience a third Super Bowl appearance by the Chiefs in his four years of life. 😂


We’ve never gotten a 3D sonogram with the boys, but because they’re monitoring me so closely, we got the sweetest picture of this little one’s face the other week. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a sonogram picture before that I’ve felt so in love with the little face in it.

If you didn’t see my post earlier this week about our resident two year old, go back and check it out. Jonathan makes me laugh literally all day. And also want to rip my hair out. But this meme hit home.

Have a great weekend!

5 thoughts on “Friday Favorites {02.03.23}

  1. Oh yes! I remember those days… we used to try at least once a year to get 24 (or possibly even 48 hours as they got older!) to ourselves. It was so relaxing and rejuvenating.

  2. Yay for 24 hours of peace and quiet although I’m sure you missed them! Go Chiefs! We are excited too. I love the sonogram photo. Absolutely precious. I hope you all have a great weekend.

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