Dear Harrison (v. VI),

It was Friday the 13th. The weather was overcast and cool for a spring day. I woke your daddy up in the middle of the night after wondering by myself for several hours if this was the real thing. 

I was so unsure. So insecure. Afraid that I wouldn’t be a good enough mama to you. Afraid I would fall short for you. And yet the time had come for me to meet you. This strong, sweet little boy that would change my entire course of life. 

In your short three years you have already given me the whole world. 

When I’ve been sad, you’ve climbed into my lap and hugged me saying, “it’s ok, mama. Deep breaths.”

When I’ve laughed so hard at you, you’ve flashed me a smile with some side eye, knowing you’ve brought joy. 

When I’ve just been in a funk, you’ve said, “mama, you’re my best friend.”

You are wise beyond your years. Your heart is deeper and more beautiful than I could have ever dreamt. 

You are such a precious gift to this world. And I’m thankful for the front row seat to it all. Happy birthday, my beautiful boy. 



4 thoughts on “Dear Harrison (v. VI),

    1. From what I’ve heard about Dylan, it sounds like Dylan and Harrison could really enjoy a good play session with construction vehicles. Haha

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