First Day of School 2023

I’m sitting down to write after having dropped off Harrison for his very first day of Kindergarten this morning. He marched into school like a champ with his backpack and lunchbox, and was SO READY.

Wednesday, though, we had to say goodbye to his daycare.

From first day…

To last…

This school has been so good for him, and we’ve loved so many of his teachers and administrators. We’ll miss them so much!

The night before Kindergarten during our bedtime routine, we read two books. Lena’s Shoes are Nervous and…

Let me tell you about a book that leaves me in a puddle of tears every time I read it.

The morning of the big day, I made the boys lucky green waffles, as per tradition for their first day of school.

Somebody was having a hard time waking up even on his first day of Kinder…

We took our traditional front step pictures of their first day!

And the picture of the two boys together was majorly interrupted by the BIG MOWERS showing up at our house literally as I was trying to take the picture. And we all know how Jonathan feels about lawnmowers.

Jonathan was off to daycare, and Nathan and I (and Aidan) took Harrison to school!

He was a little amazed by how many kids there were at school!

And then he was off to find his classroom!

Found his seat and one last hug for Dad before the day started!

What an absolutely crazy milestone. Our first baby off to Kindergarten. We are so excited for him, and I can just barely wait to pick him up at the end of the day!

I’ll share some more traditional Friday Favorites next week, but thanks for indulging me in my new mom to a grade school kid tears for today. 🙂 Happy weekend, friends!!

5 thoughts on “First Day of School 2023

  1. We had meet the teacher last night and we start Tuesday! I’m a ball of nerves for our girl but she is SO excited. I hope Harrison has a great year!!

  2. I have so many feelings about this post. How can he be in kindergarten?Thank you for sharing your traditions, photos, and special memories.💙

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