Friday FALL Favorites {09.08.23}

I always seem to be in the minority around this time of year. I don’t wait excitedly for fall with bated breath, eager to get the latest seasonal drink at my local coffee shop. I don’t pull out all the fall decor starting September 1st at home. I think I’ve finally come to accept that it’s just not my season. There are beautiful things about it: the cooler weather, the changing leaves. There are things that I look forward to so much: going to the pumpkin patch, picking out Halloween costumes, our wedding anniversary, and chili simmering on the stove.

The changing of the seasons also brings a fresh perspective, at the very least. And in about two to three weeks, I’ll be particularly annoyed by the number of flies that seem to make their way into my house through doors left open by little hands. At that point, I will declare myself “over the heat” and ready for cooler temps of fall and a nice freeze to kill off the bugs. It happens every year that way like clockwork.

You all are full blown fall people, though. I know. I’ve asked before, and I’m in the minority.

I dip my toe into the fall pool around this time of year. There are just a few things that I just can barely seem to resist. And in a couple of weeks, I’ll be there with you in my oversized sweatshirt and joggers, and a cup of hot coffee in my hand.

I’ve picked up some of my favorite fall things for when I’m ready to fully embrace fall in a couple of weeks. 🙂

Candles always feel like coziness and fall to me. And this is one of my favorites. I ordered a couple to have on hand a few weeks ago.

A few new fresh fall stems. I’m a bit of a stickler on fake flowers. They have to look really good and almost real for me to buy them. It’s the gardener in me. Both of these are from Hobby Lobby and met my faux floral standard. 🙂 White berry stem + Blush pink berry stem

I brought in a handful of hydrangea stems to dry for fall decor. Put a little bit of water in the bottom of your vase, and let it naturally evaporate for gorgeous dried hydrangeas this fall.

And some pumpkin spice oatmilk for my afternoon decaf cold brew.

What are the things that make you feel like fall?

7 thoughts on “Friday FALL Favorites {09.08.23}

  1. I don’t typically start to really enjoy fall until our weather feels like fall– I’m always sad that summer is ending but I do enjoy the change of leaves and the return to jeans and sweaters I’m just not anxious for it to get here because it feels like the sooner fall hits the sooner winter comes. I do love the fall weather and always hope that it lasts a bit longer since it feels like such a short season.

    1. It always feels like such a short season here too. You get a couple of good weeks of fall weather and then it’s frigid. 😐 But the leaves are gorgeous, for sure.

  2. I’m not a huge fall person either, so I’ll hang out in the minority with you!
    I do love back to school time and leaves changing but I am not decorating and I haven’t had anything pumpkin yet.

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