Friday Favorites {06.25.21}

This summer seems to be flying by. Can you believe that next week is already Fourth of July weekend? Where has the time gone?

We had so much fun last weekend celebrating Father’s Day with our favorite dad around! While I barely survived making breakfast with both of the boys for Nathan (i.e. there were absolutely no pictures taken! Only repeated “don’t touch that’s!” and answering endless requests to “taste test.”) We went on a family walk to the park, where Harrison showed off his ever improving climbing skills, and went out as a family for a barbecue dinner! We love our Dada!

In things I saved this week. This sweet little reminder.

Look who’s working on his walking! I feel like his baby year has gone so fast, and I’m not ready for this big milestone! Harrison was walking by this point when he was a baby, but for some reason this time around, this feels so fast and like the beginning of the end of baby-hood. 😭. My mama heart wants to cry and cheer all at the same time.

Always with that signature tongue out, baby J.


This nail polish is turning into my FAVORITE for summer! So bright and cute!

My favorite Friday flower this week is this hibiscus against those million bells. This color combo is just all the hearts for me right now. Unfortunately, a squirrel thinks they’re pretty tasty and has eaten every other bud on the plant after this one bloomed. It’s now completely caged under chicken wire, and hoping to get some more blooms in a couple of weeks!

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