Lanes Lately // March 2021

I said on Friday that I’d ghosted this little corner of the internet lately. That means that there hasn’t been many life updates, so it seemed right to do a little Lanes Lately to catch you all up on the daily happenings around here…

MAKING: The grill is out, people! And burgers and hot dogs are being grilled! Grilling and smoking season is my faaaaav. I love heartiness of winter food, but food from the grill or smoker just tastes better in my opinion.

I’ve also got chorizo chili planned for later this week when the weather turns dreary and rainy. Our favorite for dreary, cold days!

WEARING: It’s spring sweater season. If you’re unsure what spring sweater season is, let me fill you in. There’s a time period in the spring that the weather starts to feel a bit more cheery, birds start singing early in the morning again, and spring plants are just starting to peep their little heads into this world. It’s still kind of chilly, but the dark colors of winter sweaters and pullovers just doesn’t seem appropriate anymore. This is spring sweater season.

My favorite new spring sweater currently, is the classic Emma 525 sweater in a creamy white…

I also Primed this cheap, bright colored band for my Apple Watch that has been a nice change looking at my wrist that makes me me think of spring.

LOVING: The prospect of the end of work busy season…annnnd, little baby flower buds peaking through the ground. It has me all sorts of excited!

These little guys are going to grow up to be 4-5 ft tall alliums that hopefully look like this…

I have a general idea of where I planted bulbs in the fall. Sometimes, though, I forget, and it’s a complete and wonderful surprise to see things popping up that I didn’t realize I had planted.

This spring-y weather has also meant that we’ve gotten to see our cousins outside more. We took them to the zoo Saturday morning, and had the best time!

USING: Blue light glasses. With all of the computer screen time during the day for work, I’ve been glad that I bought some blue light filtering glasses last spring.

They are Warby Parker frames. They have a very mild prescription in them – up until this point, I’ve been blessed to have good eyes. Both Nathan and I don’t have prescription glasses/contacts. But I feel like the blue light filtering is really helpful when I’m staring at a computer screen all day.

I’ve also been going through more bird seed for my little backyard birdies than ever. This is my favorite blend for my big tube feeders

I like these blends because they have no shells. The birds and squirrels eat 100% of everything in them, so there’s no off-cast of shells killing the grass underneath the feeders. And this is my favorite feeder to use with this blend…

It keeps the squirrels out with it’s weight limit mechanism, and my favorite part is that it has LIFETIME warranty. Nathan’s grandparents passed down one of these to us several years ago, and the spring broke on it, and our local bird store repaired it for free, no questions asked. It had to have been at least 7-8 years old by that point. I love it so much I purchased a second one for a different area of our yard last year.

DRINKING: So much La Croix (aka “spicy wa-wa” around this house).

ENJOYING: My babies! Harrison is in a really sweet spot right now of “I love you’s,” cuddles, hugs and kisses you “feel in your heart.” I don’t know how long this phase will last, but I am soaking it alllll up.

Sweet baby J is, of course, just the sweetest that all the baby-ness can offer. He’s coming more and more into his own these past few weeks. More energy and activity wanting to explore and play with Harrison, but he still let’s me rock him as long as I want. And some days, that’s the best part of the day.

What have you all been up to??

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