Let’s Look…At Our Best Amazon Purchases

Hey! It’s “Let’s Look” day! If you’re new here, once a month, two of my favorite blogs host a link-up to share about some small routine aspect of our lives. I always love a good look into someone else’s life, don’t you? Even the mundane, I find fascinating how other people live.

So far this year, I’ve shared:

And today, we’re sharing our best, most favorite Amazon purchases of all time. With such a looooong and robust relationship with Amazon Prime, the task of finding the BEST purchases of all time is BIG.

Ask a former auditor to rank things based on ALL TIME greatness, and you’ll find yourself a very overwhelmed former auditor who will likely make a spreadsheet with tabs by category to evaluate said items. It’s who I am. If anyone needs to check my paper trail behind this list, you can be assured that I will have it.

Favorites for the Kids:

The Hatch alarm clock has been a game changer for both of my kids. I have one child that I used to dread waking up because it was like waking a troll that had been hibernating for the last 50 years and was not ready to get up yet. And one child who thinks that 5:30-6:00 am is the time the day starts. The Hatch now wakes my troll child every morning, and informs my early riser that ‘it ain’t time to start the day’ yet until the light goes off. I love that I can control the Hatch through my phone, and it wakes them with a beautiful simulated sunrise and flute or chimes. You know, whichever you prefer. It also replaced their white noise machines, so pulling double duty!

These cute little boy dress shoes made for a wide foot were perfect for our littlest this winter.

For the Home:

This pillow is worth every last penny. I can’t believe I spent 35 years of my life sleeping on the cheapest Target pillow I could find. That is all.

This cookbook is maybe my most favorite cookbook ever. SO many good recipes! I loved it so much, I gifted a copy of it as my “favorite thing” of the year at our Christmas book club!

For You:

Upgrading my hair dryer was a big moment. Love this new one. Love how quickly it dries my hair, and all of the attachments that it comes with. And it was a fraction of the price of a Dyson hair dryer.

It’s not often that I sing the praises of Amazon fashion. I feel like more often than not, the clothes can feel cheap and poorly made. But I wore this dress on repeat all of last summer. It was super good, durable quality, AND it was so comfortable and cute. Looked put together while being soooo simple. It comes in like….50 different colors too.

This travel toiletry bag is the best one I’ve ever purchased. The quality is so good. That is, the zippers aren’t jankity and hard to close. The space is just the right amount for me, and I love that it hangs up on the back of a hotel bathroom door. I’ve had it three years now, and it’s still very much a favorite.

Those are, I think, my all time favorite Amazon purchases. It was a tough list to come up with, but it seems like a good round-up to me. 🙂

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