My 2022 Word of the Year

I feel like I’m emerging from a COVID cave. The last two weeks feel like an eternity, and my brain still thinks it’s the beginning of January. Time is so weird in this pandemic world we live in. So as far as new year’s resolutions go, I still feel like I haven’t even started yet.

I wanted to share the word I picked out to help set my intention for this year. Yes, I know it’s pretty much the end of January. But no time like the present to allow myself to begin again.

I have always admired people who came up with a word of the year. I’ve never been able to summarize all of the thoughts that go through my head of annual goals and dreams into a word. That’s a pretty big task, and as I thought about it more this year, I concluded that it wasn’t about a summarization of everything. No, it was north star of something you’re constantly coming back to you over the upcoming year. A simple reminder of how you want to encapsulate the changes within you in that year.

I was inspired watching Ted Lasso not that long ago. There’s a scene where Ted credits Walt Whitman for a quote, and I’m not sure if it’s truly his or not, but the gist of the quote is “Be curious. Not judgmental.” That simple statement, actually, hit deeply to me. I’m often times not curious. I switch into “fight” mode easily, looking to point out why the criticism or point of view is wrong or flawed.

I tend to seek to “win” versus to “understand” in a conversation. And while that gets me in trouble more often than not, I decided this was a good time to put my mind and power behind doing something about it. So, I’m choosing my word this year as:


I’m going to seek first to listen to understand this year. I’m going to slow down, and do my gosh darn best to not fly into fight mode in contentious conversations. I’m going to seek to ask questions, truly HEAR the other person, before responding.

I’m going to be better about taking feedback. Do my best to not see it as criticism, but instead a critique of a snapshot of a particular moment or string of moments of me. And even when I don’t feel like that is the whole picture, realize that there is something to be learned from snapshots of me, too.

Do you pick a word of the year? I’d love to know what you chose! I oftentimes find my biggest inspiration for my future self in hearing what others are working on this year.

8 thoughts on “My 2022 Word of the Year

    1. Ahhhh. It’s so hard! I’m better about it with work. But in personal relationships, I could definitely improve. 😀

  1. Listen is such a good word!

    My word for 2022 is Nourish and I agree that January feels foggy. We didn’t have Covid, but have had several snow storms that kept us inside most of the month and with a 1 year old, that is HARD. So I’m hoping February is better for everyone!

  2. What a great word. I’m a pretty reflective person, and there are years I’ve chosen a word…but I haven’t for this year. I guess there’s still time. 😂 I love when you said, “I tend to seek to “win” versus to “understand” in a conversation.” That definitely resonates with me

    1. I’ve never had a word of the year before. I’m hoping it helps me focus on it and remember all year given its simplicity.

  3. That’s a great word! My WOTY is step.. as in take it one step at a time, step aside and let my boys lead, get more steps in my day, etc.

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