Our Trip to 30A 2021: Part 3

I’ve shared the first two part of our Beach Trip to Florida’s northwest beaches Here and Here. Today, I’m sharing the final couple of days of our trip. After a half a week at the beach, we were really getting into our stride and never wanted to leave. 😊

After the morning in Seaside with the kids, we opted for the beach in the afternoon and a beach picnic to round out the day! It was so fun to go to the beach with the kiddos at a different time this day, and they thought it was too fun to have pizza delivered on the beach.

Kendra and I took the little kids back for bedtime, and the big kids stayed out with the dads to go hunting for crabs on the beach at night! I bought them headlights, buckets and nets, and they were ready!

This might have been their favorite activity of the whole trip. They were THRILLED and so excited to bring home the 30 crabs they had captures to show us. (They were taken back to the beach that evening.). But they thought this was the most fun activity EVER.

The next day was our last day in 30a. So, of course, we had to do a full beach day.

They were old pros by this part of our trip.

After naps in the afternoon, we headed back to Seaside for our last dinner of the trip at Bud & Alley’s.

Then some ice cream to round out the night…

And in the amphitheater, they were showing Mighty Ducks that evening. Harrison was soooo into it…

We had such a good trip! We left the next morning, and headed back to KC. We’re already scheming about when we can go back again!

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