Tag: Beauty

Sticker Nails

It takes me a while to try out a fad. I really have to be convinced that maybe there’s something to it. That maybe there’s a reason that so many people like it. Maybe that’s the reason it’s taken me so long to try sticker nail polish. Years have gone by since I first heard friends and acquaintances talk about sticker nail polish. Usually I’d hear it in relation to a particular company, Color Street. And that was fine for everyone else, but having painted nails was just never my thing.

I’m tough on my nails. I can’t stand to have them long. They are used for digging in the dirt, peeling off stickers from objects that stickers should have never been stuck to, and just general housework. My entire life, painted nails only resulted in immediately a chip in the nail polish, followed by days of me slowly peeling off all remaining nail polish. Once it chips, I just can’t help myself! So I had resigned myself to just not being a fingernail polish person.

I’m not sure why I changed my mind, but I finally decided to give sticker nail polish a shot. After some research, I decided to try out Dashing Diva. Why you ask? Because I could order them from Target with the rest of my pick-up order. And convenience at this point in my life with two little boys running around is key.

And you guys…it changed my mindset about painted fingernails. I LOVED them.

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My Summer Beauty Staples

I don’t talk “beauty” very often on here. I’ve shared a little bit about my curly hair, and what products I use for curls. But beauty…well, I don’t like change often. I’m not keen to try out new products every time I run out of one. I tend to stick to the same products over and over and over again. Most of these are tried and true. A few are new this year. And when I go to look for a new product or to try something different, having a friend recommend something is my favorite way to find something new I’ll love!

Our summers in KC are hot and humid. They are strings of days of chasing around little boys outside at the pool or through the backyard, so most summer days, I keep make-up light and quick, knowing that I’ll look downright glowy thanks to the sweat by mid-day.

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My Skincare Routine

A New Year’s Resolution I Actually Kept All Year

It was December 2018, and I had just spent what felt like at least a year and a half giving everything of myself and body to keeping a precious new baby boy alive. As the new year was about to roll around, I found myself wondering whether I wanted to make a new year’s resolution. I rarely keep them. But they’re good for a month or two. I decided I would commit whole-heartedly to taking care of my skin. I could start to see the signs of age beginning to wear on my face. Who knows if those smile lines were just the result of a better camera or all of the nights that Harrison was up at night as a newborn. But it was time to put more effort, and yes, money, into taking care of the only skin I’m going to get.

What that meant was that I started seeing the esthetician at my dermatologist’s office regularly. Like once every month or two. In addition to doing regular facials, peels, and dermaplane with her, it also meant changing my at home skin care routine too.

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Friday Favorites {10.11.19}

I laid down in bed last night after a very long work day, and realized that I never finished today’s post. So here I am bright and early, working on finishing up the last of my Friday Favorites. Per usual, I’m linking up with ErikaNarci and Andrea to share a heap of random Friday Favorites!

You guys. THEY’RE HERE!! And I LOVE THEM!!

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