Tag: Fall Fun

Our Summer & Fall Bucket Lists 2022

This summer on an afternoon that we didn’t have much planned, and Jonathan still snoozing for his naptime, I decided that Harrison and I should come up with a summer bucket list. All sorts of things that we wanted to do that summer to make it the best and most memorable one yet! He gave me ideas, and I wrote them down. I hung it up on our door to the garage as a reminder of things we could do on a spare weekend, and we were lucky enough to check each and every item off of our summer list!

I thought it would be fun to share some pictures from checking off those items…

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Fall House Tour 2021

It’s FALL HOUSE TOUR day! I little peak inside our house this fall. And a look outside, as well. This is the first year I really decorated for fall outside, and our patio looks so friendly and fall-ish! Why didn’t I do this ages ago??

Harrison looooooves the addition of the skeleton that talks when you walk by it. I saved some of my gladiolus bulbs and realized that their dried leaves were actually the perfect addition to my front pot to decorate for fall. It looks a little like dried cornstalks. But not as big. And free.

And these cute little planters are switched out for fall…

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A Trip to the Cider Mill

It was a Sunday afternoon, and Nathan had already left for the airport for work travel the coming week. It rained the better part of the weekend, but the afternoon finally opened up to give way to heat and humidity, and Harrison and I needed to get out of the house. We headed way out south to Louisburg Cider Mill for some outside exploring and apple cider.

Nathan and I would come here on day dates in the fall many years ago. Getting to watch the apples being peeled and pressed into apple cider, sitting on the lawn listening to a bluegrass band playing on the stage. It’s a simpler life out in the country, and one that I yearn for when fall comes around. Read more