Tag: Harrison

Halloween 2021

Well, sometimes even though you have two days off work, you don’t get around to sitting down and writing instead of checking things off to-do lists. So, I’m sorry I disappeared last week! We’re still enjoying Halloween and fall over here, but I love that so many friends are starting to deck the halls!

This is my own little scrapbook of my boys’ life, so we’re going to stick with Halloween for a minute and I wanted to share some pictures from the holiday. We had so much fun trick-or-treating!

Friday afternoon, the boys had their Halloween parties at daycare.

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7 Quick Harrison Takes (v. IX)

It’s that time again for seven quick Harrison takes. Harrison’s half birthday is in October, and I thought that would be a good time to do another quick round up of the things that Harrison is into, saying, and doing that makes me laugh or brings a smile to my face.

-1- While we were on our Florida vacation, one of our rental cars was a Mustang convertible. Harrison LOOOOOVED it. And asked the entire trip to ride in the ‘mustache’ car.

-2- Any red team playing football is identified by Harrison as the “Chiefs” playing. Any blue team playing soccer is “Chelsea.” And any green team is “the Broncos.” Why he’s insistent that the Broncos are green, we’re not sure. But he is insistent that they are Green.

-3- His current favorite foods: waffles and fig newtons. Seriously, fig newtons. Whaaaaat.

-4- He’s extremely enthusiastic to help Mommy rip out plants that he declares are “done for the season.” So enthusiastic.

-5- Equally so, he tells me often that my flowers are “beautiful.” Talk about getting at my mama’s heart.

-6- He’s referred to sunscreen as “skun-screen” for ages. And that’s what we call it now.

-7- His must-have’s for bed: Lovie, Monkey, and 3 cars (which he negotiates every evening from 2 cars, up to 3 cars).

My sweet little boy is headstrong, tough, and absolutely fearless. FEARLESS. I am in for it, folks. Harrison Thomas is going to test just to see how strong my heart is for all of the things he jumps at with absolute abandon.

At night, though, when I tuck him in right now, just before I close the door, he says, “Mom! I have to tell you something!” “What , buddy?” “Mommy. I. I. I love you so much.” I couldn’t have ever imagined loving another human being so much before my little boys.

Lanes Lately – September 2021

Well I’m thankful that this was a four day week. Work felt like a five day week crammed into a four day week, though. 🙃 We don’t have much going on this weekend, except a friend’s birthday party for Harrison, and that’s kind of the way we like our weekends!

MAKING: I planned for EASY recipes for this week, getting back into our routine, and Nathan is traveling for work for the first time since December 2019. Tacos and spaghetti with meat sauce have been my go-to’s this week after being gone last week.

We realized on a walk last weekend that this is the first time baby J will go 24 hours without seeing him in his whole life.

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First Day of School 2021

Monday was Harrison’s first ‘official’ day of school! While he’s still at the same daycare, he moved classes on Monday and officially started his ‘preschool’ programming on Monday. Harrison’s been looking forward to this day for MONTHS because he was so excited about wearing a uniform to school like some of his older friends!

Every morning for months, he’d want to wear his uniform polos, but finally, on Monday, he got to put on his uniform for the first time. And he was SO PROUD.

We got up, and made a special breakfast of green ‘good luck’ waffles to start the morning.

Harrison was thrilled. Not only was he getting his favorite breakfast, but they were GREEN. A real three year old crowd pleaser. 😊

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What’s Up Wednesday {06.30.21}

The last Wednesday of every month, I love joining this little link up to share a little bit of what’s going on in our house this month. It’s a little bit of food, a bit of clothes, a bit of memories and exciting things coming up, all in one blog post. Head over to Shay and Sheaffer’s blogs to read through the rest of the links, too!


I’ve got ingredients this week to make a shrimp and Parmesan pasta, tacos, and a chopped salad with shredded chicken. In what order those get made, I don’t know! We’ll just wing it!


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7 Quick Harrison Takes (v. VIII)

I’ve been accumulating some really good Harrison takes over the past few weeks. Ya’ll, he’s a mood lately. And I love it.

If you’re new around here, every once in awhile I like to round up seven quick things that are making me laugh or melting my heart about Harrison.

I love going back to read these because it’s an easy way that I can memorialize these small little bits of his personality as he grows. He’s learning so much every day. He’s into something new every few weeks it seems. This is such a fun age and stage of life with him.

-1- The names he comes up with for his brother. Terms of endearment from a three-year-old. “STINKY BUTT!” “Jonathan Brooksie” (the family has adopted this one.) and out of nowhere last week, “STINKY JOHN JOHN!” All said with love and admiration of his little brother.

-2- I’ve got to wear my soccer shirt! (It’s his favorite thing to wear. I wash it, and it’s immediately put on.)

-3- When he’s mad at us for not letting him do something he wants, he declares, “You’re not my best friend!” Thankfully, about a minute later he’ll let us back into best friend status.

-4- He’s gotten into the habit when someone asks him to do something, responding with, “Ok, ok, ok, ok.”

-5- He asks us, “What’s for dinner tonight?” And when the response is not Mac-and-cheese, he responds, “I don’t like <Blank>. I want Mac-and-cheese for my dinner!” We know, buddy. You’d take Mac-and-cheese for every meal, every day.

-6- He’s got an insane memory. He’s in a big car phase still, and he knows what color of car is in what location of the house or which parents’ car, and when one is missing. 😳

-7- He refers to Band-AIDS as, “Boo-boos.” He’s constantly telling us he needs a boo-boo.

Harrison is such joy. He easily bounces back from obstacles, quick to smile and play with eagerness and energy. And he holds his mama’s heart. Love watching him grow.

Spring Soccer!

We had all been looking forward to spring soccer for awhile. Last year, we signed Harrison up for spring soccer only to have everything cancelled with COVID, so we were especially excited for spring soccer this year! He got to play on a team with his best buddies from school, Graham, JJ, and Joey, and we had so much fun watching these boys grow and play together!

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Friday Favorites {04.23.21}

Happy Friday, friends! I am two weeks post second vaccination this week, which has me so very thankful! And ready to do all the things. Is it strange, though, I still feel super cautious about doing some of the things we used to do regularly before this pandemic? I can’t wait to go out to a restaurant with Nathan, but a little part of me is still saying, “Yeah, but is that smart? Are you sure you want to do that?” Amazing how we can re-train our brain. May be time to start re-training it to be more normal. 😊.

I’ve got a whole lot of family favorites this week. Enjoy and happy weekend!

I know Easter was forever ago, but I haven’t had an opportunity to share any pictures yet from our Easter celebrations. We got the chance to see my family for Easter this year, and I had so much fun watching Harrison and cousin Evie Easter egg hunt at my parents!

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Learning to Live with Food Allergies

I’ve shared a lot about Jonathan’s journey over the past couple of months with plagiocephaly and torticollis. I haven’t mentioned much about Harrison’s food allergies lately, and I’ve never really shared how we identified his food allergies.

Harrison has several different food allergies. We’ve identified that he is allergic to eggs and sesame. Nathan has very mild food allergies, but it wasn’t until our niece was diagnosed with a severe gluten allergy a year before Harrison was born that we had food allergies first come to roost for our family. Because of what we saw first hand with Evie, we were on the look out for food allergies with Harrison when we started to introduce solid foods to him. I nervously gave him gluten for the first time, and waited nervously to see if he would react. I was on high alert, too, as he first tried peanuts. I wasn’t really well versed on the common allergens, though, aside from gluten, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, and dairy.

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7 Quick Harrison Takes (v. VII)

If you’re new around here, every once in awhile I like to round up seven quick things that are making me laugh or melting my heart about Harrison. Given this is Harrison’s birthday week, I thought we’d do a little peak into what early three year old life looks like lately.

I love going back to read these because it’s an easy way that I can memorialize these small little bits of his personality as he grows. Just the other day, I said “Thumbs up, Harrison!” And instead of putting up his index fingers like he had for months, he stuck his little thumbs right in the air. The end of an era, and it made me tear up just a bit.

-1- Lately, Harrison’s been replying affirmatively that he knows what things mean, and then immediately follows it up with an “I don’t know what that means.” So, we could say, “Harrison, do you know what the Easter bunny brings?” “Yeah.” “What does he bring?” “I don’t know!”

-2- Grabbing his brother or dad, and exclaiming, “Take a picture, Mom!” Or “Take a picture, Dad!”

-3- It’s a common one, but the way he pronounces “yellow” as “lellow.”

-4- When Jonathan starts crying, Harrison replies, “It’s ok baby Jonathan.” And immediately goes to get Jonathan’s lovie for him.

-5- “I like Francesco and Lightning McQueen.”

-6- I’m not sure where it started, but he exclaims, “What the heck in bob???” Who’s Bob? I have no idea.

-7- Everytime we go over a bump in the car, he asks, “Mom, you need a new car?”