Tag: Harrison

7 Quick Takes (v. II)

The last time a posted a Harrison quick take was in November. High time to give you seven more of the things that I’m loving about Harrison right now.

-1- He thanks his mommy and daddy constantly. And I am soaking it up for the day that our child doesn’t thank us for a thing. Food put on his plate, “Thank you, Mommy.” Has his hands cleaned up, “Thank you, Daddy.” Be still my heart.

-2- And to that end, mark it down. At almost 23 months old, my child has transitioned this past week to calling me Mommy instead of Mama. A moment of silence for this transition from one stage of motherhood to the next, please.

-3- He delays bedtime by asking for “hugs.” You know how often that works? 100% of the time.

-4- The number of toys and other things that he’s found around the house placed in odd spots has increased. His socks? Puts them in mama’s boots. Matchbox car? Add it to the measuring cup drawer.

-5- Harrison loves hide and seek. The best is when he hides, and gives you a really good idea of where he’s hiding when he shouts out at the end of your counting, “TEN!”

-6- He came home from daycare one day, and promptly began telling us to “Walk away” when we were doing something he didn’t want us to do. “Walk away, Mama. Walk away.” Ok, bud. Thanks for the tip.

-7- His sheer excitement pointing out himself in pictures, or declaring that HE is going to do something. “Harrison do it!”

Friday Favorites {02.28.20}

Happy last Friday in February! I only have one more week of busy season, and then I’m back to hanging with my little man on Fridays! And I can’t wait for lot of adventures with Harrison before our newest little man arrives, which brings me to my first favorite for this week…

If you missed my post on our gender reveal the other weekend, you can read it HERE! But my first favorite is knowing that I’m going to have another cute little boy to love on in just five months!

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Friday Favorites {02.07.20}

This weekend somehow got away from me. Harrison spent the night with his Gigi & Pops on Saturday, and Sunday we spent most of the day preparing for our Super Bowl party with my family, which leads me to my one and only favorite from this week.


Is this how it feels all the time to be a Pats fan? Because it feels crazy and unbelievable!

So all I have for you this week is a bunch of pictures of Harrison and Evie from the Super Bowl…

Happy the ‘Chiefs are the Super Bowl champions’ weekend!

What’s Up Wednesday {01.29.20}

My first What’s Up Wednesday of the new year! This January seems to be lasting for forever. Anybody else? I’m craving warmer weather, and time spent outside in the garden and walks with my little man.

I’m linking up with Shay and Sheaffer to share with you what’s going on in our life lately!


January and February are my busiest months at work. Dinner time is all about easy, easy, easy.

  • Sunday: Carne asada tacos
  • Tuesday: Pulled pork leftovers from my birthday dinner at my parents’ house!
  • Wednesday: Maybe leftovers
  • Thursday: Baked potato bar
  • Friday: Out to eat
  • Saturday: Date night!


Warm weather. And gardens that are full of flowers and greenery.

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Photo Diary: A Spectacular Christmas

We had a magical Christmas. It was quite the departure from our first Christmas with Harrison, where we spent the whole day home with the stomach flu and exiled from all family’s houses. This year, we did Christmas morning at our house. Harrison could have played with his kitchen set from Santa the rest of the day. Then we did Christmas brunch at my parents, and we were lucky enough to have my sister and brother-in-law’s family here for Christmas this year. They split their holidays between KC and South Dakota, where my brother-in-law is from. And then finally, we finished out the day with Nathan’s family for dinner and round three of Santa and presents. We had so much fun watching the excitement and wonder in our little boys’ eyes.

This is going to be a whole bunch of pictures capturing our day, including Christmas Eve services. Buckle up!

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A Year in Review: 2019

I love looking back at old pictures. Putting together this post let me re-live so many happy moments, including watching our little baby grow up before my eyes. We had a wonderful year, really getting into our groove as a family of three (four if you count the dog!). Here’s how our year unfolded…

In January, our year started with Christmas! Yes, Christmas. Harrison shared his stomach flu with our whole family for actual Christmas Day, so our year started with a make-up Christmas Day with my family…

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Friday Favorites {12.20.19}

It’s my last Friday Favorite post of 2019! I’m going to take next week off to allow myself a mental break. Time to spend with Harrison, Nathan, and family, and to allow myself to recharge for the new year, so I can bring you even better things in 2020! I hope you’re taking some time away too!

This past week we have been busy getting ready for Christmas, visiting Santa, and best of all this time of year, we got our first snowfall! Nothing makes it feel more like holidays than a fresh coat of snow on the ground. It was magical and beautiful! Which brings me to my first favorite…

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7 Quick Takes (v. I)

-1- When you ask Harrison what color something is right now, it’s green. It’s all green. Pronounced “geen.”

-2- I think we may finally be rounding the corner on understanding what it means to help clean up. But man, can he destroy a room in less than a minute flat.

-3- Asking him questions right now, and he responds “Yeah.” Matter-of-factly. Or “No.”

-4- Have you seen his jumping? More like a serious crouch with no spring into the air, while yelling “JUMP!”

-5- Favorite thing he says right now: “Irrryuvyoumama.” Translated to “I love you, Mama”

-6- He came home from daycare one day saying, “No no no no no” while shaking his little finger in front of his face. Not sure if that’s an impression of his mama or of his teacher…

-7- Things that we’re constantly repeating here, “It’s not ‘uh-oh’ if you do it on purpose.”