Tag: Hope College

Let’s Look At…The College Years

It’s ”Let’s Look” day, where I share a little peek into a random part of our life. I’m linking up today with two of my favorite blogs (Shay @ Mix and Match Mama and Erika @ A Little Bit of Everything), to share a “look” into some little aspect of my life.

Last month, I shared what we ate in a week.

This month, we’re sharing a bit about our high school and college years. I loved this prompt. It took me down a happy rabbit hole of looking at pictures, and thinking about the Lauren of college and how much I’ve changed.

Technically this prompt was let’s look at the high school and college years…but it’s pretty clear looking back at my Amazon Cloud drive that I failed to save very many high school pictures/they’re probably all printed pictures that never got scanned into digital format.

I went to college at a small liberal arts college in Holland, Michigan called Hope College. Undergraduate population of 3,000 students right off of Lake Michigan. It was the most fun four years of my life. I met some of my very closest friends to this day, and I’m forever grateful to the education I received and the genuinely good and kind people I met at Hope.

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All About the College Years

I started writing these “All About” series to help you, friends, get to know me. I’m new to the blogging world. And you can’t really invest in a new friend without getting to know them. So it only seemed appropriate to give you all some background on some big impactful things in my life. Last month, I wrote about HOW NATHAN AND I MET. This month, I’m writing about where I went to college.

I spent the best four years of my life growing up and developing my adult self at a little liberal arts school called Hope College in Holland, Michigan.

I’m willing to bet that a vast majority of you have never heard of Hope. The next question that I usually get asked is how I ended up at Hope.

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